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Our Vision of the World

Our Vision of the World

Presenting a collection of twelve themes that we envison will define the future of our planet. Over the coming decade, we will see the world progress at a pace we never thought possible.

We’ll witness transformation and innovation happening at lightning speed and each day will be packed with out-of-the-world experiences

Business & Economy

Business in 2030 will revolve around products and services which help achieve Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) goals. More and more start-ups will see the light of day with cloud-fast technology nipping at everyone’s heels. Cluster organisations and completely virtual offices will be the norm. Safety of citizens and a better quality of life will be key. Women will lead a major part of global trade.
Get ready to make big, bold business moves!


Over the next decade, dependence on renewable energy sources for power generation will increase manifold. With a focus on accelerated decarbonisation, the global energy landscape will be built on the ideology of diverse generation, distribution and storage technologies. Energy infrastructure will easily harness wind, solar, biomass, geothermal and hydro powered sources, making way for truly sustainable development.
Energy saving mode: On!


In the next decade, car ownership will become largely obsolete, backed by super efficient and sustainable – public transportation. Flying taxis, battery-powered water skates and self-driving trucks, all of them will be available for everyday use. The future of mobility will be autonomous, safe, fast yet sustainable.
Get ready to travel to the ends of the world!


In the next decade, holiday goers may be taking selfies on Mars and sending them to friends and family through tens of thousands of new satellites. The future promises giant leaps in space science, including setting up of human infrastructure for truly out-of-the-world experiences.
Have you booked your space flight yet?


Cruelty-free foods, synthetic meat and an increasing population of vegans and vegetarians will make the world in 2030 a kinder place. With technological interventions in agriculture, the farmers of tomorrow will move to growing speciality crops using precision farming with AI-enabled drones, fully automated robotic machinery and enhanced efficiency fertilizers.
You are what you eat, eat wisely!


Imagine a future where your health is monitored real-time, all day long, wherever in the world you are. Prediction of future diseases will be accurate and will help reduce illnesses. Healthcare and wellness in 2030 is likely to be backed by AI, with 3-D printed transmittal organs, designer drugs, personalised medicines and hospitals at home.
You’re in the queue, the robot doctor will see you soon!


Instead of physical learning institutions; virtual, on-demand and personalised micro-learning programs are projected to become a reality. The transition of classroom learning from books and teachers to a completely digital one will offer immersive real-life experiences in global classrooms with learners from
across the world.
Who wouldn’t want their own personal teacher bot at home?


2030 promises a world where you can become an active participant in movies instead of being just a viewer. Personalised VR setups, interactive cinema halls and multi-sensory equipment will give viewers the freedom to have truly unbelievable experiences in a digitally endless world. The reel and real will overlap and create the most wondrous illusions.
It is time to bring out the superstar in you!


With the intelligentization of humans by 2030, communal interactions will be far from what we’re used to today. To ensure that digital natives can enjoy smart, sensory communication, our network will spread out in an intense 3-D environment via satellite broadband, intelligent equipment and human-robot collaboration. Communication will go far beyond the sky and deeper under ground.
Do you ever wonder what cyborgs will gossip about?


Shopping has revolutionised tremendously since the advent of the internet. It is however, not near the advancement that will occur by 2030. With things like smart mirrors, digital mannequins, virtual reality outlets, interactive apps and more – the future of shopping will be playful, exciting, and digital.
Your dream of walking through luxury stores in your favourite pyjamas will soon be true!


Planet-friendly material, weather-adjusting clothing, and accessories with inbuilt tech will become mainstream in the fashion world of 2030. Your futuristic wardrobe will feature phone-charging jackets, bio sensors and shape-changing clothes, perhaps all stitched by robots.
The Fashion Week will soon showcase robots walking the ramp!


One aspect of life that probably won’t change in the least bit, is the human species itself. Humans would need to live through a few more centuries and millenniums to have their physical and social structures permanently altered. Despite progress and newer kinds of problems, the mind and heart will still be the same.
When all is done, the future remains!

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