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University Initiatives in Assisting Students in Handling Peer Pressure and College Stress

14th Aug, 2024

College students today are getting more and more stressed impacting their academic performance and their own health and well-being status is impaired. Demanding academic work, endless assignments, complex tests, project deadlines, and stressful exams make students feel overwhelmed and doubt their abilities and opportunities ahead. Furthermore, getting used to school demands which are very different from those in high school, and making new friends in different social settings within campus whose norms they do not yet understand is not easy and increases stress. Over and above this financial strain is made worse by financial obligations, especially for students who have taken education loans to pay for their college fees. Family expectations and worries coupled with the constant social push to fit in and the fear of being alone add further to the stress students are enduring.

Complex matters such as in-campus stress among young people must be solved by implementing holistic solutions that support good mental health and wellness. Counselling, resources for mental health, as well as support groups, are important tools that enable students to learn how to cope with their problems and manage the pressures that come along. When the importance of managing work-life balance is emphasized students tend to give priority to taking care of themselves and being involved in leisure activities that make them happy to relax out of school. By making it look like it is not strange to look for help it creates a situation where any stigma related to issues of mental health can be removed thus enabling students to access supportive networks and services without being afraid or shy. Issuance of hands-on stress management to aspiring students through workshops and seminars besides campus community building programs promotes endurance and belonging. Addressing academic expectations, encouraging open communication, and establishing surroundings conducive to holistic well-being may greatly help reduce stress levels for students encouraging better learning environments that produce comprehensive individuals while improving social relationships among students replacing academic loneliness and absence from healthy social ties. Colleges are positioned at a critical junction in the reduction of stress as well as for creating a better campus climate for academic and psychological growth among students.

In light of the above, the following are some of the initiatives the university is taking to ensure students are well-equipped to handle the stress arising out of family, social groups, and studies.

1. The NorthCap University (NCU) follows a well-defined mentor-mentee programme, where from the very first day of admission till the student obtains his/her degree, a dedicated mentor is allocated to each student. Weekly meetings with the mentor are a part of the curriculum, thus ensuring the student is in regular contact with the mentor. These meetings cover a wide spectrum of issues from academic performance, co-curricular exposure, upskilling courses, and competitive examinations, to more personal issues related to peer pressure and dealing with social expectations.

2. NCU has impanelled a dedicated psychologist to assist students with issues that require expert advice. Personal issues, relationship issues, family tussles, issues concerning substance abuse, concerns regarding sexuality, and handling social media pressure are some of the concerns today’s youth is struggling with. At times students are not comfortable sharing these concerns with their family or even their mentor. Keeping that in mind, a dedicated psychologist is empanelled by the university to assist students and offer professional advice to them.

3. NCU Takes a Lead by Helping Students to Manage Stress by Setting up a ‘Thought Lab’, a pilot project of the University in collaboration with the Education Wing of RERF (a sister organization of Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya). The first institution in Northern India to establish a “Thought Lab,” NCU offers a cutting-edge idea for instilling in students the ability to think clearly, optimistically, and creatively. It is a novel endeavour with the goal of utilizing the unrealized potential within remarkable resources—that is, a person’s mind. This facility will undoubtedly stimulate the growth of a strong mentality in students, enabling them to persevere through trying circumstances. The Thought Lab includes research, a spiritual library, audio-visual aids, photo galleries, counselling, activities corners, and meditation. These tools will help students develop innovative thinking and a positive attitude toward learning, treat mental pollution, help them overcome a variety of fears, and promote calmness of mind.

4. NCU offers a wide range of clubs and societies to students to enhance their personality and ensure the holistic development of each student. These clubs cover a wide spectrum of activities including dance, drama, fashion, technology, community service, empowerment, legal aid, etc. The university has a dedicated club called Manovriti that organizes seminars, workshops, expert talks, and activities addressing the mental, emotional, and even spiritual health of the students. The club organizes sessions that address the concerns of students like power of positive thinking, affirmations to boost confidence and self-esteem, practical relaxation techniques to de-stress, tools to foster resilience and emotional well-being, and alike. 

5. Other than club initiatives, seminars and workshops are a regular part of the curriculum at NCU. Throughout the semester, faculty ensures that guest lectures, seminars, and workshops are held where industry experts are invited to share their thoughts with students. This enables students to understand industry expectations, workplace norms, workplace stress, and challenges and even helps them choose the right career path. Academia and Industry interfacing is highly encouraged at the university for the overall grooming of the student.

Through these initiatives, NCU has been actively taking the lead in helping and enabling its students to handle the pressure and emerge as warriors in their respective fields of expertise. The university is committed to nurturing students to achieve holistic growth and development.

Authored By
Dr. Seep Sethi
Assistant Professor
Department of Management & Commerce
The NorthCap University, Gurugram


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