Unique Architectural Space Defining NCU's Innovative Learning Campus
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Beyond Buildings: Unique Architectural Space Defining NCU’s Innovative Learning Campus

23rd Jan, 2024

The NorthCap University in Gurugram is a name to ponder and conjure. NCU aims to develop competent professionals, who have the innate ability to be analytical, innovative, and independent to carve a niche for themselves in this competitive world. where education goes beyond traditional boundaries. NCU campus is not just a collection of buildings, but a place where an exchange of knowledge takes place between the teacher and the student. 

The environment created by the buildings and structures is a journey into the heart of educational spaces compelling us to imagine, where the environment becomes a catalyst for growth. The thought process and the innovative design of the glass structural building are a testament to our visionary thinking. 

Join us as we explore how our unique architectural spaces redefine the learning experience, creating an environment that nurtures creativity, collaboration, and holistic development. If you have the inner passion to excel in life, are not restricted only to the academic field, and have the desire to give wings to your creative instincts and dreams, NCU offers you the platform to see your dreams to reality.  A warm welcome awaits you at NCU.

1. Dedicated Spaces for Research Innovation and Experimentation

 A central facility has been established to provide the latest and advanced analytical instruments for research in the areas of Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, and interdisciplinary sciences. The establishment of this facility has strengthened the research-relevant infrastructure of basic science and technology. The facility is mainly equipped with state-of-the-art equipment like a UV-Vis-NIR Spectrophotometer, LCR Meter, I-V Picometer, Vacuum Coating Unit, spin coating, and Scanning Electron Microscope. Various faculty members and Ph.D. scholars are utilising this facility to pursue their research work. 

NCU instituted the Vice Chancellor Innovation Fund scheme in the year 2015 to encourage, support, and nurture innovative ideas, research, and projects. The scheme aims to build an innovation culture in the university and focuses on enhancing research, innovation, and start-up ideas amongst research workers, faculty members, and students. A fund of ₹ 10 million is allocated for the innovation and start-up activities by the University. 

2. Department of Multidisciplinary Engineering  :

Department of Multidisciplinary Engineering is a platform for interdisciplinary and creative collaboration in the avenue of core engineering domains. This department yields unique insights in terms of Ideation, Innovation, and Creativity. The department mentors all students of PhD, M.Tech. and B.Tech. programs of all core engineering domains such as Civil Engineering, Electrical, Electronics and Communication Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering.

3. Sustainability.

NCU advocates saving energy at all costs. Faculty and Students have taken this as a challenge to ensure this at all points of time. Some of the points incorporated are Glass buildings, Rainwater harvesting to recharge aquifers, ensuring zero stormwater discharge, and construction of Solar panels for metering purposes. 

This has been done to ensure the integration of nature for a harmonious learning environment.

4. State of the Art Auditorium and Seminar Hall that adorn  Campus Infrastructure.

NCU has a state-of-the-art auditorium with a seating capacity of around 500 and a Seminar Hall of 100 capacity. The auditorium has cutting-edge audio-visual technology for an immersive experience and academic diversity. This is primarily used for convocation and conducting  International and National seminars besides cultural activities involving students. 

These infrastructures are unique and hold a place of pride amongst the students and faculty of the university.  Learning extends beyond classrooms, for which there is an amphitheater catering to a capacity of 2500 students at any point in time for community services and performances.

5. Hub for students and faculty to bring ideas to life.

A.  Tinkering Lab: The tinkering Lab is considered a playground for students in terms of Innovations. Students of any discipline with a bend for innovation can come together under one roof to give shape to their new ideas. They can develop prototypes by design and hands-on experiments which are beyond regular curriculum and textbook learning. The tinkering lab is based on the values of creativity, critical thinking, innovation, and hands-on experience. The lab contains educational and learning ‘do it yourself’ kits and equipment on –science, electronics, and robotics, the latest microcontroller boards, IoT sensors, and computers.

B.  Automation club: Students who are passionate about robotics, AI, the latest computational techniques, and automation, we have a strong track record of collaborating on impressive projects and organising technical events at our university. As a result of our dedication to innovation and community engagement, IEEE RAS NCU SB has become one of the best university student chapters.

6. Smart Class Technology:

NCU has extensively utilised smart technology as a security feature to identify students from its image by installing high-end AI Cameras. In addition, the campus is fully wifi enabled to ease the functioning of students at any point in time including in the hostels., for a seamless learning experience. NCU has an excellent infrastructure that aids the educational process and enhances the student’s overall learning experience. Continuing this legacy, NCU has established one world-class smart classroom equipped with high-end devices for the best-in-class learning experience. Some of the notable features of the classroom include 85-inch 4K interactive displays, an overhead projector, ceiling-mounted smart speakers, high-definition audience tracking cameras with personalised zoom-in functions, digital e-podium, and high-speed wifi connectivity. The smart classroom boasts cutting-edge video conferencing facilities that enable students to interact with teachers, industry leaders, and students from other universities via direct video links. 

7. Student Facilities.

NCU takes pride in being one of the pioneer institutions in Delhi/NCR to offer this new concept of Thought Lab for the benefit of its students and society. It has been established as a joint venture between NCU and Brahma Kumaris (Education wing, Rajyoga Education and Research Foundation)Mount Abu Rajasthan. Regular practice by students and faculty members through regular meditation reduces the level of lactic acid in the body which helps in releasing tension. Thought Lab helps us to check the quality of thoughts of our students and society at large.

Medical Health Centre:

A medical health center with two doctors on rotation is available on the campus. The team of qualified and dedicated doctors provides allopathic as well as homeopathic treatment. The medical health center provides superior emergency care with examination beds, medical equipment, and medicine to cater to any emergency with first aid services for injuries, accidents, etc., and thereafter for moving the patient for further course of treatment. The University has a well-equipped ambulance van to handle evacuation from the campus/hostel to the nearby Manipal Hospital.


NCU has well, equipped cafeteria which happens to be the go-to place for all students during a break. Cafe 10 caters to the taste buds of the young generation but yet ensures that the food served is hygienic and healthy. 


A high-end Gymnasium is located in the basement of the cafeteria and is frequented after class hours, especially by health-conscious students.


NCU provides you with a wealth of sporting opportunities, both on and off campus. The University has sports facilities for nearly all indoor and outdoor sports and numerous clubs that provide an array of activities to choose from. The cricket-cum football ground is arguably one of the best grounds in Gurugram, with floodlight facilities for night sports. The sports ground is embellished with an athletics track, a multipurpose sports arena, and an amphitheater.


NCU campus is more than a backdrop for education; it’s an integral part of the learning journey. Join us in experiencing a campus where innovative architectural spaces redefine the way we learn, collaborate, and grow. Welcome to a future-focused educational environment that transcends traditional boundaries.


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