Bachelor of Computer Application Degree Colleges and Course


Mobile is becoming not only the new digital hub but also the bridge to the physical world. That’s why mobile will affect more than just your digital operations – it will transform your entire business!” as said by Mr. Thomas Husson, Vice President & Principal Analyst at Forrester Research. He sums up the story about the future and rightly explains all this hype around mobile applications.

Bachelor’s in Computer Applications (BCA) with specialisation in Mobile Applications curriculum emphasises the technical and practical aspects of computer applications. BCA Course is an undergraduate programme where students are exposed to various areas of computer applications including the latest developments in the industry. In addition to all the mandatory subjects of a traditional BCA, this specialised course offers in-depth practical know-how of the current trends. Mobile NCU has the expertise and the requisite infrastructure to run this course and is considered one of the Best Private Schools offering this programme in India. The attributes that make NCU the best school in BCA in Delhi/NCR, is a curricular focus on Programming Languages which ensure proficiency in Java and Kotlin, Cross-platform development which further grants students exposure to running multiple platforms like Android and OS, and helps them in understanding and implementing security measures to protect user data and ensure the integrity of mobile applications.

On the Mobile Applications front, the course will provide students with the fundamental knowledge of all aspects of mobile technologies with emphasis on application development for Android and iOS, with industry requirements in mind.

Students will learn about fundamentals of C programming, Linux programming and computer organization, comprehensive knowledge in computer networks, android, iOS and mobile security, Java programming and RDBMS, exposure to new concepts through projects from the industry.


Market Trends of Mobile Applications:

The global market valued at USD 154.09 billion in 2019 and expected to grow at CAGR of 11.5% from 2020 to 2027 (
(a) There are around 30K app publishers from India i.e., 3% of all publishers on Google Play and (b) More than 1.5 lacs apps from Indian publishers out of 27.8 lacs apps globally (6% Globally) (
India is top market for mobile gaming in terms of downloads with 4.8 billion installs in H1 2021, (20% of global installs) (App Intelligence platform App Annie)

Unique Selling Points of the Specialization:

  • Industry-oriented curriculum which enables the students prepare for technical careers in systems, Flutter for mobile development, mobile architecture and app development, mobile computing, mobile security.
  • Mobile App design considerations, constraints and interfacing between the physical world and device.
  • Integration of Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, cloud computing and IoT concepts to handle more tasks and make autonomous decisions using mobile devices.
  • Industry aligned curriculum, designed by Industry Experts.
  • Well-trained and qualified faculty.
  • Project Guidance & Mentoring by Industry Experts.
  • Blended Learning 24 * 7
  • Well Equipped Labs for hands on learning.
  • Holistic Pedagogy-Emphasis on development of additional skills with strong emphasis on:
    • Communication & soft skill modules
    • Compulsory Foreign Language course
    • Large number of open electives with interdisciplinary learning
    • Flexibility in curriculum to choose electives
    • Exposure through Fine Arts and Liberal Study courses for creative thinking and service learning.

Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs)

  1. To provide in-depth understanding of the fundamentals of computer science and create a strong foundation for a successful career in the field of computer science and in pursuit of higher studies or entrepreneurial ventures.
  2. To impart values to the students and enable them to contribute effectively to the computing profession with ethics and a sense of social responsibility.
  3. To equip our students in the emerging areas of technology and impart analytical skills for solving innovative real-life problems in computer science and related fields.
  4. To develop qualities of effective communication, interpersonal skills, and leadership to work effectively in a multi-disciplinary teamwork and contribute to the economic growth of the country.

Programme Outcomes (POs)

PO1: Apply the knowledge of mathematical foundations, computer application theory and algorithm principles in the design and modelling of computer-based system
PO2: Design and evaluate solutions for complex computing problems, systems, components, or processes that meet specified needs with community service focus
PO3: Use Project based knowledge and methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions
PO4: Create, select, adapt and apply appropriate techniques, resources and modern computing tools to complex computing activities with an understanding of the limitations
PO5: Understand and commit to professional ethics and cyber regulations, responsibilities and norms of professional computing practice
PO6: Recognize the need and have ability to engage in independent learning for continuous development as a computing professional
PO7: Demonstrate knowledge, understand computing and management principles to apply one’s own work as a member and leader in a team to manage projects in multidisciplinary environments
PO8: Understand and assess societal & environmental safety, legal issues within local and global contexts and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional computing practice
PO9: Identify a timely opportunity to use innovation to pursue and create value and wealth for the betterment of the Society & Nation

Programme Specific Outcomes

PSO 1 Understand, analyze and gain application-oriented skills to develop computer programmes in the areas related to algorithms, web design and networking for designing efficient computer-based systems
PSO 2 Facilitate the students to explore technical knowledge in emerging areas of computer applications like mobile and web application development, gaming and animation with strong emphasis on lifelong learning.
PSO 3 Sensitizing students about various issues, latest technology trends and enable them to innovate new ideas and solutions for societal benefits.

Minimum Eligibility Criteria

BCA – Mobile Applications
10+2 (English medium) examination conducted by CBSE or an equivalent examination from a recognised board with an overall aggregate of 50% and must have studied in:
1) Science Stream – Medical or Non-Medical,
2) Non-Science stream with one of the following subjects: Mathematics, Computer Science, Informatics Practice, Computer Applications, Multimedia & Web Technology, Data Management Application, Web Application, Accountancy or Statistics.


Programme Seats
BCA – Web Application Development 50
BCA – Mobile Applications

Financial Assistance

Programme Fee

For Year 2025-26

Total Annual Fee: Rs. 1,60,000/- (Tutition Fee: Rs. 1,28,000/- & Development Fee: Rs. 32,000/-)
Rs. 2,37,000/- or Equivalent Foreign Exchange
  • Caution Money: A sum of Rs 10,000/- to be charged from each student seeking admission to the University in the Academic Year 2025-26. The amount is interest free and will be refunded to the students at the time of withdrawal or at end of their programmes, whichever is earlier, after deduction of dues, if any.
  • Alumni Association Fee: A onetime Alumni Association fee of Rs. 1,000/- for all programmes is payable by all students.
  • Industry Employability Aptitude Test Fees: Industry Employability Aptitude Test fees of Rs. 1,500/- is payable.
  • Youth Red Cross Fund : Rs. 80/- is payable by all students

Hostel Fee (where applicable) Rs. 80,000/- per semester (subject to change)

Fee Concession cum Scholarship

(a) Based on Class 12 Scores

% of Scholarship on Tuition Fee Eligibility (For CBSE/ equivalent recognised board) as per percentage score in applicable subjects (PCME) by programme.
35% CBSE: 95% and above
15% CBSE: 90%<= 94.99%

Note: Students applying with 2024 scores are not eligible for Fee-Concession Terms & Conditions

(b) Based on National Level Test (NLT) Scores

 Slabs Selection Criteria Eligibility
 35% CUET-UG SCORE ≥ 700 (*) Aggregate 75% and above in 12th CBSE/ equivalent examination of a recognised Board
 15% 600 ≤ CUET-UG SCORE < 700
For detailed information about our other scholarships, alumni benefits, and fee concessions, please visit our main scholarship page. Discover the full range of opportunities and support we offer to enhance your educational journey.

Enquire Now

Admissions Hotline: 9311300803


The Department of Computer Science and Engineering is offering BCA with specialization in the two domains as follows:

  • BCA with Specialization in Web Application Development
  • BCA with Specialization in Animation and Gaming

After successful completion, all the students enrolled in the specialization tracks shall get their BCA degree in their respective programme with the chosen specialization.

After graduating in computer science, students can go for teaching, research or industry. The demand of IT professionals is increasing not only in India but also in abroad. This field provides students ample opportunities to make their career not only in private sector but also in the public sector. The government organization like NIC, Indian Army, Indian Air Force and India Navy also recruit large number of computer professionals for their IT department. There are various profiles like software developer, system engineer, Web Developer, graphic designer, animator, software tester , system administrator etc.

A candidate is eligible to take admission in BCA programme without Mathematics background. Even candidates from Humanities and Medical Background can also take admission in BCA program.

A candidate who has passed 10+2 (English Medium) examination conducted by Central Board of Secondary Education or equivalent examination from a recognized board with an overall aggregate of minimum 50% or an IB candidate with a minimum score of 24.

The North Cap University being located in an industrial hub, has an advantage of its location due to which good students are being attracted for various programmes running in the University. The North Cap University has well equipped laboratories with high configuration workstations and facilities. Classrooms are also equipped with projectors and mike facility. The Programme has been designed after extensive feedback from members of academia to ensure the incorporation of basic and applied course contents

BCA is a 3 years degree program.

The department aims at experiential teaching pedagogy for building the right set of Knowledge, Skills & Attitude among the students. Few of the highlights of our academic framework areas follows:

  • Domain Specialization: Two specializations in the upcoming areas
  • Industry Engagement: MoUs with different industries, organizations like ISRO, NTRO to strengthen its curriculum, enhance placements, internships and opportunities for engagement of students in live projects.
  • Industry Mentored: Students at NCU work on the real-time project of an organization under the direct mentoring by a faculty and an industry professional.
  • Curriculum in line with industry: Curriculum has been designed keeping in mind the industry needs and is thoroughly revised by all industry experts and academicians from IITs and JNU.
  • Experiential – Real Time Projects: The University provides the necessary ecosystem to encourage students to get engaged in socially relevant real-time projects.
  • Student e-Portfolio: Students are guided to generate their E-Portfolio right from the moment when they start their journey from the first year.
  • Research Opportunities: Strong research groups in the department with a rich legacy of high-quality publications, sponsored projects and filed patents.

The University has a central placement department known as School of Professional Attachment, an in-house team of trainers with high-class industry exposure. They train students for business communication, self-presentations, soft skills and on the technical front. They hold strong relationships with a voluminous number of companies. The department is working strenuously in thrust areas of Industry 4.0 namely Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, Cyber security, Internet of Things, Full Stack and Game technology, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality. The student with specialized skill sets in these areas have been placed on higher scale packages. University and department conduct mock interviews (PPI) for students to get prepared for placements. Interactive sessions for students with our alumni placed in varied Companies are conducted to help them get first-hand information on the skills required for better placements. University and department conduct placement preparation sessions for the students on aptitude, English usage, and verbal skills. The university along with department even helps in facilitating the internship opportunities to the students along with the opportunities to work for live projects.

We envision to provide a research-based platform for incubation across disciplines so that the students can innovate and invent solutions and apps, utilizing their full potential to meet their entrepreneurial dreams, thereby serving the industry and the society. An incubation center has been set up to promote the spirit of entrepreneurship amongst students. We have also established an Institution Innovation Council (IIC), as per the norms of MHRD, Innovation Cell to systematically foster the culture of innovation amongst the students. The primary mandate is to encourage, inspire and nurture young students by supporting them to work with new ideas and transform them into tangible outcomes. Tinkering lab and VC Innovation Fund have been established to support these efforts technically and financially.

Various expert lectures and Workshops are conducted for the students and faculty members in which renowned resource persons from IITs and IT industry are invited to deliver sessions and provide guidance in order to enhance the skills required as per the latest demand of the industry.

The curriculum is designed to cover soft skills, courses related entrepreneurship, ethics and human values and skill development courses for the holistic development of the students. The department also runs various clubs and societies to inculcate leadership skills and sense of responsibility among the students.

The North Cap University has well equipped laboratories with high configuration workstations and facilities. At NCU we have Cloud computing lab, Mobile Application Development lab, AR-VR essential lab, Agile Software engineering lab, Data Science & Engineering lab, Artificial Intelligence lab and CCNA lab. Classrooms are also equipped with projectors and mike facility.

The department is running sundry various clubs and societies to promote the holistic development of the students. We at NCU believe that participation in clubs and societies exposes students to new life experiences; helps develop valuable leadership skills and abilities, fosters respect for personal and cultural diversity and provides opportunities to express creativity and talent. The list is as follows and for further details; please refers to these links:Professional societies:

  • The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Student Chapter of NCU
  • Computer Society of India (CSI), Student Chapter
  • Engineers Without Borders (EWB)
  • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineer (IEEE), Student Chapter
  • The Institution of Engineers (IEI), Student Chapter
  • Open Web Application Software Project (OWASP)

Co-curricular clubs/societies:

  • Google Student Club
  • NCU Game Mantra
  • Programmers Club
  • Python Warriors
  • The Society of Cyber Security Education and Research (SOCER)
  • Women In Coding Club
  • Data Analysis and Research Group (DRAGON)

Community-service clubs/societies:

  • Engineers Without Borders (EWB)
  • Udaan
  • Sehyog

The university has a vigilant anti-ragging committee which ensures a ragging free campus. We can proudly state that no case of ragging till date has been reported in the university campus.

BCA in Web Application Development is a remarkable course in this fast-growing technology sector that offers dual career options for students in Web and Mobile Applications. This specialized course at The North Cap University accords an in-depth theoretical as well as practical command of all latest technology trends in the Mobile and Web Applications and their testing. At the forepart of BCA in Web Application Development, the course presents students the foundational expertise of all aspects of Web and Mobile Technology with prominence on development of applications for Android, iOS, and Web, keeping industry requirements in mind.

BCA in Gaming and Animation is a specialized course at The North Cap University designed as per the industry needs in consultation with industry experts to master basic game development. The course offers students to understand game design and apply the concepts for game development and coding. During the course of study, students will develop 2D Platformer games on Unity 3D game engine which will add value to their professional portfolio along with the theoretical and conceptual exposure to the documentation. In animation, students will learn through exploration of animation production pipeline (CG modelling, texturing, lighting, rigging, Animation and rendering) techniques and opportunities to enhance their employability and professional skills through project-based assessment.

NCU has Competent and Experienced Faculties with:

  • Majority of them having PhD degree from the reputed Universities like IITs, IITs, JNU etc.
  • Quality Publications in SCI, Scopus Indexed Journals, Book Chapters and Conference Proceedings.
  • Excellence awards and the special achievements like “Advanced Level Instructor” title by Cisco Networking Academy, Teaching and Research Excellence award and Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award. Various faculties are editors and editorial board members in the reputed journals.
  • Zeal to regularly update themselves through Faculty Development Programmes conducted by industry experts.
  • Opportunities to work in collaboration with Industry experts through Externship Programmes.

The key highlights of each specialization with outcomes and career prospects are available on the following link:

Admission Policy 2025-26

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