
Project Lab

Project Lab

Engineering is the first and foremost application of knowledge. However, the application must be carried out with judgment, to ensure that the resultant system is effective and efficient. The major project is one of the primary mechanisms used by the University to provide students with an opportunity to gain experience in the practical, effective, efficient, and beneficial application of what student have been studying for the past several years. Students will continue to gain engineering experience after graduation but the major project will be their first exposure to the full rigor of engineering practice. To promote innovation in the projects, department provides remarkable facility of project lab so as the students may work here for developing their projects. They can design, create and engineer prototypes, new products etc.

The lab provides all necessary facilities to promote multi-disciplinary projects. The dedicated technical staff and faculty members provide hands on different emerging area such as IoT, Big data, cloud computing, Robotics etc. Equipment procured for the lab includes Arduino Boards, Microcontrollers, different types of Sensors, Motors, ICs control circuit modules, computer, printer and other consumable components used in common projects .

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