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Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering Laboratory

Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering Laboratory

Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering laboratory is designed to meet the syllabus requirements of NCU curriculum for B.Tech-Ist year students of ECE, CSE, CV and ME Engineering branches. Fifteen selected experiments are designed for this lab which includes component level and software simulation. At the start of each experiment a question bank for preparation and practice is suggested which may be used to test the basic understanding of the students about the experiment. Quiz after each experiment is conducted in the lab. General discipline, safety guidelines and report writing are also discussed.

Familiarization with CRO, function generator and power supplies, electrical measuring meters and different components is given at the start of lab. The initial experiments include study and analysis of Kirchhoff’s laws, Thevenin’s and maximum power transfer theorem, Norton’s theorem, superposition theorem in DC. The experiments based on frequency response of a series R-L-C circuit and determine resonance frequency, quality factor and bandwidth is also performed. Study of V-I characteristics of PN junction diode and zener diode,  the clipper and clamper circuit based experiments are also performed by the students.  Further,  experiments include the study and plot the waveform of half wave and full wave rectifier with and without capacitor, study the I-V characteristics of transistor in common base configuration and determine the input and output resistances, study the I-V characteristics of transistor in common emitter configuration and determine the input and output resistances. Software based experiments are also performed like study and simulate half wave and full wave rectifier using OrCAD, study and simulate clipper and clamper circuit using OrCAD and  Simulation of rectifier circuit using MATLAB/Simulink.

Current Equipments

Multiple  Power Supply

Make- Scientific

Digital Storage Oscilloscope   ( DSO)
Make:Akademika & Tektronix
3 Function Generator
Model No.SM5074,3MHz
Make: Scientific
4 DC Power Supply  15-300V/1A
Make: Elnova
5 Digital multimeter
Make :kusam meco 603
6 CRO (20MHz) &30MHz
Model: 201CT&SM203G
Make: Scientech & Scientific
7 A.F. Millimeter 0-5mA
Make: Omega
8 Fixed Inductor 50mH,100mH   100mA (Air core)
9 RLC Series and Parallel resonance Kit
Model ETB-30
Make: Omega
10 Resitance:-1k, 2.2k,4.7k,1.2k,3.3k,5.6k,10k,1.8k,1.6k,
Diode,capacitor,BNC cable,Banana lead ,Bread
Board,Transformers, Transistors
11 I-3 Computer Systems, H P Laser Printer P1020
12 Softwares installed:  MATLAB, ORCAD

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