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IPR Cell of NCU

The IPR cell of the NCU recognizes its responsibility to produce and disseminate knowledge. Inherent in this responsibility is the need to encourage the production of creative and scholarly works and the development of new and useful materials, devices, instruments, designs, processes, software’s, and other intellectual property, some of which may have Potential commercial value. These activities contribute to the professional development of the individuals involved, enhance the reputation of the University, provide additional educational opportunities to students and promote social well-being. Particularly, a commercial exploitation of the intellectual property can be of considerable socio-economic benefit to the country. The IPR cell of the NCU is committed to provide an environment where scholarship and innovation can flourish and those participating in these endeavors can be rewarded for their hard work and skill.

Objectives of the IPR Cell

To provide research and advisory services to those who may be in need of such service.

  • To conduct training and organizing interactive seminar to disseminate information on Intellectual property rights with a view to create awareness among the faculty and students.
  • To sensitize about IPRs and their protection.
  • To identify protectable innovations and inventions.
  • To suggest steps for transforming innovations into proprietary assets.
  • To train about the mechanism of accessing and using IP information for further research and development in developing new products and processes and for their use in business development.
  • To start outreach programmes in the form of workshop, training programmes on various areas on IPR.

What IPR Cell aims at providing?

The generation of IP largely takes place at the universities/ academies. At the same time, Valuable IPs at the academies can be generated easily from such research by further modelling it to have industrial applicability. But even after funding and hardships of the researcher, the invention or the conclusion of their work goes in vain. The reason being lack of an ecosystem, which can direct minds of the researchers perpetually towards creating as much IPs from their work as possible.

Hence in this background, IPR cell of the NorthCap University has started evolving different IP strategies, policies and ecosystems in terms of effective facilitating services to students and faculties.

IPR Committee

  1. Dr. Unanza Gulzar - Chairperson
  2. Dr Sandeep Singh - Member
  3. Dr. Poonam Chaudhary - Member
  4. Dr. Mona Aggarwal - Member
  5. Mr. Deependra Singh - Member

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