Importance of upskilling of educators
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Importance of upskilling of educators

19th Aug, 2024

Upskilling is developing new skills or enhancing existing ones to match new demands in the dynamic market and, therefore, the increasing level of professional competence. The significance of upskilling is enormous in the present-day dynamic and quite competitive world labour market. Good upskilling benefits individuals in gaining employability, advancing careers, sustaining jobs, and further personal growth. Skilled workforces among firms result in competitive advantages based on innovation, productivity, and effectiveness. Therefore, people and companies must remain competitive by adapting to new technological, economic, and other industrial challenges.

Strengthening the education sector is important so that the upgraded needs for modern education can be met, improved quality of teaching is performed, and facilitators are prepared to handle the students with skills and knowledge, as required in this century. Educators should adapt to technological advancements and be competent in using digital tools and technologies to integrate them into the classroom. Competence in virtual learning environments and educational technology is fundamental to the remote and hybrid teaching model. A teacher must be trained in new pedagogical approaches such as project-based learning, flipped classrooms, and inquiry-based learning can improve student engagement and outcomes, and should have knowledge of diverse assessment strategies to evaluate and support student learning more effectively. Professional development focused on inclusive practices ensures that educators can support students with diverse learning needs and backgrounds as it is very important to be able to tailor instruction to suit individual student needs in the practice of personalized learning.

Upskilling helps educators keep up with changes in curriculum standards and content. An advanced study of particular subjects makes it possible to acquire profound subject knowledge, which provides successful teaching, which is not only important for being a good teacher, but for career advancements of educators themselves. It comes with opportunities for on-the-job progression, involving leadership roles, specialist positions, or administrative functions. Continuous learning and development result in increased job satisfaction and motivation. Proficient educators can execute and support new educational practices and initiatives. Professional development ensures better teaching practices, leading to improved academic performance and success among the students.

Strategies for Upskilling Educators

  1. Professional Development Programs

Professional development programs in higher education play a crucial role in providing assistance and opportunities for the growth of educators as effective teachers with greatest potential, as well as in fostering their advancement in research and professional success within higher education communities Effective strategies of professional development in higher education require collaborative innovation held in continuous evaluation for support and great resources that a faculty must need to succeed in their academic careers. Further, online platforms offering life-long learning opportunities to enroll in courses through SWAYAM, Coursera, Udemy, etc.

  1. Collaborative Learning

Such cooperative learning among faculty members can immensely benefit professional growth, teaching effectiveness, research productivity, and institutional development. The organization should encourage collaborative learning through peer observations, team teaching, and professional learning communities and implement mentorship programs where experienced teachers guide and support their colleagues.

  1. Certifications and Advanced Degrees

Certifications and advanced degrees are meritorious investments for faculty in professional development and the progress of their careers. This is because the acquisition thereof helps them enhance their skills and acquire knowledge while, at the same time, enriching their careers and bringing leadership in scholarship and academic excellence. Other instrumental ways of pursuing certifications and advanced degrees are through instituting support, flexible programming, mentor recognition, and review. This ensure that the faculty development practices are enhanced to turn out effective and self-sustained.

  1. Practical Experience

The most important thing is that there has to be an application of new skills and techniques in a classroom and reflected on the teaching-learning effectiveness. Faculty, therefore, need to take part in pilot programs to test and master new teaching strategies and technologies. Institutional support plays a very crucial role in professional development funding. Institutes should provide funding to the faculty for their professional development opportunities. Also, it must provide faculty with time in the academic year for professional development. Also, access to resources may undo the whole process, hence access to the latest educational research, books, and web-based resources and ensuring educators have access to technology and training and know how to use it effectively. NCU offers a variety of facilities and resources to help professional upskilling of faculty and staff members. 

Continuous professional development is catalysed to upskill educators to offer better teaching quality, address advances in technologies, and handle diverse student needs. Investment in continuous professional development helps educators improve their skills and advancement in careers and, therefore, in the provision of better education for their students.

Authored By

Dr Aditya Sharma

Dr Aditya Sharma
Assistant Professor (Selection Grade)
Department of Applied Sciences
The NorthCap University Gurugram


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