ICRT-2023 offered participants deep insights into the field of Artificial Learning and Machine Learning - NCUIndia
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ICRT-2023 offered participants deep insights into the field of Artificial Learning and Machine Learning

18th Apr, 2023

The recently held International Conference on Recent Trends in Applied and Physical Sciences Using Machine Learning Techniques ICRT-2023 offered participants deep insights into the field of Artificial Learning and Machine Learning. The hybrid conference was filled with insightful discussions and thought-provoking ideas from our notable speakers.

We would like to thank our Keynote Speakers:

Prof. RK Agarwal, Jawahar Lal Nehru University, Delhi
Prof. Kehar Singh, IIT Delhi & The NorthCap University
and speakers:

Prof. Idit Ibrahim, Ariel University, Israel
Dr. Mukesh Jewariya, National Physical Laboratory, India
Dr. Lena Yadgarov, Ariel University, Israel
Prof. Sudhansh, Indira Gandhi National Open University, India

NCU’s Department of Applied Sciences and Women in STEM Club organised a stellar event and we applaud their efforts in making ICRT 2023 a grand success!


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