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World Telecommunication and Information Society Day

World Telecommunication and Information Society Day

World Telecommunication and Information Society Day was celebrated by the ECE students’ chapter of IEI professional society on 17th May 2020 through Microsoft Teams. A webinar of ‘Industry 4.0’ by delivered by Mr. Akshit Dhyani, Senior Project Officer in WWF-India. It was followed by presentation of innovative projects by the students of the EECE dept. Projects such as ‘Virtual Assistant For Visually Impaired People’ and ‘Smart Car Management System’ (funded under VC innovation fund) were presented by final year students. Students of 3rd year working on live industrial projects with Greenstar research and development India Pvt Ltd presented their work.

During the last section of the event, the posters invited from the students of the university on the theme of the day ‘Connect 2030: ICTs for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)’ were presented by one of the student coordinators. The celebration was concluded with the appreciative words by Prof. Ahuja. The event was liked and appreciated by the students, as they got to know new industry term as well as got the exposure of innovative projects implemented by their seniors. They look forward to such events in future.

Faculty Coordinator: Dr. Vandana Khanna, the faculty adviser of the ECE IEI chapter.As

Student Coordinators: Prashast, Muneesh, Aashna and Satvik.

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