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World Telecommunication and Information Society Day

World Telecommunication and Information Society Day

On 17 May 2019, 50th World Telecommunication and Information Society Day was celebrated at The NorthCap University in collaboration with the Institution of Engineers (India)- IEI society, Faridabad.

The team of engineering graduates with an experience of 3-5 decades from IEI, Faridabad comprising of Chairman, Honorary Secretary, Convener and Joint Convener, Technical committee graced the occasion. Sh Subhash Chander, Chairman IEI Local Centre, Faridabad and Dr HB Raghavendra, Vice Chancellor, NCU welcomed the audience.

Mr Sandeep Handa, Founder-Director of Consultancy SailOn with more than 33 years of experience and Mr Rajat Gupta, Director in IP and Optics Business Division of Nokia Corporation with 25 years of experience in the telecom industry presented on ‘Bridging the Standardization Gap’ and ‘Software-Defined Networking (SDN) technology’ respectively.

The presentation brought in front their ideas, approach and most importantly, their experience in terms of industry roles, focusing on their commitment of connecting people from all over the world. Mr Handa talked about standardization in telecom industry and role of International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and Mr Gupta discussed in details about Software-Defined Networking (SDN) technology-which is an approach to network management in order to improve network performance and monitoring.

Students belonging from the streams of ECE/CSE/ME demonstrated their projects where they were evaluated and awarded with the prize money of Rs 10,000 (sponsored by Institution of Engineers (India) Faridabad with certificates. Projects like DTMF Controlled Robo Car and Google Assistant Based LED scrolling matrix’, ‘Air pollution detector and purifier’, ‘Arduino based floor cleaning robot’ etc. were awarded with the consolation prize accompanied with ‘The Mango Project’, ‘Smart meal card’ and ‘Automatic parking system with empty slot detection’ bagged first, second and third positions respectively.

The event was coordinated by Dr Vandana (Faculty adviser (IEI)), Dr Sharda and Dr Yogita along with student coordinators of Students’ chapter of IEI, department of EECE.

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