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Workshop: Hands-on session on Arduino

Workshop: Hands-on session on Arduino

An Arduino workshop was conducted by the Department of EECE & IEEE-NCU Student Branch on 8 March 2019 in the Department of EECE for the students of all branches with an aim for a hands-on practical experience with Arduino Uno Board. They were familiarized with the topics like Blinking Led, Smoke Sensor, Soil Moisture Sensor and Seven Segment under the guidance of Mr Pankaj Rakheja, Faculty EECE with the student coordinators. The event was coordinated by IEEE student members Mr Divyam Sachdeva, Mr Shubam Lamba, Mr Arjun Sehrawat and Ms Ananya Sharma along with the faculty of EECE, Dr Sharda Vashisht, Ms Naresh Kumari and Mr Pankaj Rakheja.

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