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Webinar on Wireless Connections

Webinar on Wireless Connections

The webinar on ‘Wireless Connection’ was conducted on 25th April 2020 at 2:30 pm on ‘YouTube live’. The speaker of the webinar was Mr AT Kishore who is a retired flight lieutenant and CEO of Vidya Sangha Technologies. He is a life-time member of EWB society, senior member of IEEE and an evaluator of SIH 2020. He introduced with existing wireless technologies and network. He briefed the history and applications of networks and gave information on 1g to 6g networking technologies. Many futuristic ideas were also suggested. He also highlighted the use of network connections during the coronavirus pandemic. The session lasted for 2 hours and ended up with question-answering session. Last but not the least, he appreciated EWB team for organizing the webinar and enabling him to connect with people from different parts of country. 740 registrations were received, and 550 students turned up.

Speaker: A.T Kishore (Retired flight lieutenant)

Faculty Coordinators: Ms Monika and Ms Manvi Breja

Student Coordinators: Abhishek Singh, Bhavya and Tuhini

AnnouncementAdmission Enquiry