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Webinar on “Voice Modulation and Content Writing”

Webinar on “Voice Modulation and Content Writing”

This webinar was held on 11th April 2020 at 12:00 PM on ‘Go to webinar’ software which was conducted by Cultural heads of Engineers without borders. Udyan Makhija (Cultural head) highlighted various aspects of content writing and shared how to write the good content. He also stated the difference between creative and business content. Tuhini (Cultural head) shared how to completely remove stage fear, low self-esteem and speak clearly in front of a crowd. Overall registrations were 250 and147 students attended the webinar followed by a 30-minute doubt session. This webinar was a huge success for Team EWB.

Speaker: Udyan Makhija and Tuhini (Cultural Heads, EWB)

Faculty Coordinators: Ms. Monika and Ms. Manvi Bareja

StudentsCoordinators: Abhishek Singh, Bharat, Udyan and Tuhini

AnnouncementAdmission Enquiry