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Webinar on the topic Arrays and Linked Lists

Webinar on the topic Arrays and Linked Lists

Code Arts, an SIG of IEEE The NorthCap University SB in collaboration with IEEE Delhi conducted a LIVE webinar on the topic Arrays and Linked lists on 22 August, 2020 from 3:00 Pm to 4:00Pm. The speaker for the webinar Ms Chaitali Bhowmik began by introducing the topic and emphasized the need to focus on arrays and linked lists. After explaining the topic in detail the speaker explained a few coding examples on arrays and linked lists that prove really helpful for all the attendees. She wrapped the session which was then followed by an interactive “Q & A” session. 253 students attended this webinar.Ms. Meghna Luthra and Mr. Sumit Kumar were the faculty coordinators and Rohit Dalal, Naindeep Kaur, Rahul Arora, Sahil Bhatia, Tanishka Tayal, Anant, Vishesh, Ansh Dudeja were the student coordinators for this webinar.

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