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Webinar on Student Branch Orientation Session of IEEE IAS

Webinar on Student Branch Orientation Session of IEEE IAS

IEEE IAS NCU organized orientation session for IEEE NCU Student branch to acquaint everyone to the benefits of IEEE IAS. The verticals covered in the session were: Brief introduction about IEEE and IEEE IAS, Benefits of IEEE IAS Members: Keeping Technically current, Opportunity for travel grants, Career Resources and Recognition, Industrial opportunity, Professional networking and experience, Awards, Digital IAS magazines, Growth of network , Research opportunities, Member discounts and Volunteering opportunities. Mr. Pindoriya started the session with IAS Vision statement and IAS mission statement, which followed the value of IEEE membership: Knowledge, Community, Profession. He curated the plethora of opportunities in IEEE IAS, from seminars to conferences, the professional support which the organization provides to its members. Meanwhile, the participants were putting forth queries rippled with curiosity. Mr. Deepanshu Manocha moderated the session with a warm introduction and expressed his gratitude to Mr. Rajesh Pindoriya towards the end of the session. Mr. Sourabh and Mr. Rohit handled the backend with Mr. Anmol creating the poster for the same. 21 students attended the session.

Speaker: Mr. Rajesh Pindoriya, Chairman of the IEEE IAS student branch IIT Mandi.
Faculty Coordinator: Ms. Vaishali Kalra

Student Coordinator(s): Mr. Yatharth Piplani (17csu212),Mr. Deepanshu Manocha (18csu096), Mr. Sourabh Sharma (18csu241), Mr. Rohit Dalal (19csu260), Mr. Anmol Choudhary (19csu035)

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