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Webinar on Problem Solving Strategies for Competitive Coding

Webinar on Problem Solving Strategies for Competitive Coding

Code Arts, IEEE NCU in collaboration with IEEE Manav Rachna University, IEEE Madhuben and Bhanubhai Patel Institute of Technology, IEEE Mody University, IEEE Netaji Subhas University of Technology, IEEE JSS Academy of Technical Education, Noida and IEEE Guru Tegh Bahadur Institute of Technology organized a webinar on Problem Solving Strategies for Competitive Coding on 5th July 2020. The speaker for the webinar was Mr. Sumit Kumar (Assistant Professor, CSE Department, NCU ).He is an Oracle Certified Professional Java Programmer (OCJP) and a committed researcher who has presented papers in various national/international conferences. His research areas include Adversarial Machine Learning, Privacy & Security, Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms, Reverse Engineering etc.

Mr. Sumit Kumar began by introducing the topic of Competitive Programming and explained the need to learn Competitive Programming as it helps one to solve maximum number of problems in a stipulated time. He then added that CP is a great form of mind sport, and is an excellent way of improving one’s programming skills which is recognized and supported by almost all big tech companies like Google,
Amazon, Facebook, IBM and others.

He further added various coding problems on arrays, linked lists, backtracking and greedy algorithms to enlighten the young minds . He also explained in detail the solution approach and correct solution to every problem that proved really helpful for all the attendees. He wrapped the session which was then followed by an interactive “Q & A” session in which the attendees actively tuned in to resolve their queries. Each question was patiently entertained by the speaker of the event.

Name of the Organizer/Faculty: Mr. Sumit Kumar & Ms. Meghna Luthra.

Name/Roll No of student coordinators (if any): Rohit Dalal, Yatharth Piplani, Naindeep Kaur, Rahul Arora, Sahil Bhatia, Tanishka, Vishesh.

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