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Webinar on Prior art search and patent filing process

Webinar on Prior art search and patent filing process

The webinar was organized on 23rd April 2020 through ‘Go to Webinar’ software on Patent Filing Process. The session was successfully conducted by Dr. Ishrat Meera Mizana, Professor in Mechanical Department of Muffakam Jah college of engineering, Hyderabad. She taught basics of Intellectual Property Rights and its different types. She focused on patent and its different types of patents focusing on products that can be patentable and non-patentable. She explained different types of patent databases, how to record the inventions and different procedures of filing patent in India. This webinar turned out to be very interactive. 260 registrations were received out of which 100 turned over.

Speaker: Dr.Ishrat Meera Mizana

Faculty Coordinators: Ms Monika and Ms Manvi Breja

Student Coordinators: Abhishek Singh, Bhavya, Tuhini and Udyan

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