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Webinar on Machine Learning with Graphs

Webinar on Machine Learning with Graphs

IEEE NCU is striding to ensure uninterrupted learning through its webinar series “Technologies That Make A Difference”. In continuance with the series, a session on “Data Science Using Machine Learning with Graphs” was organized featuring Mr. Shivam Abhilash as a speaker on 11th April 2020. The session started with basic concepts and terminologies of Machine Learning. Mr. Shivam was involving participants with some questions and then explained the concepts through a concoction of those answers, it proved to be lucrative in understanding the basics. He put the day to day examples and with them explained the depth concepts of Machine Learning and Graph. The rippled concepts among day to day examples was the edifice of his way of imparting knowledge. Throughout the session, the participants raised their doubts frequently which were addressed by Mr. Shivam. The speaker led an erudite discussion on the areas of research and development in the field of machine learning and Graphs. Approaches like BERT, Node2Vec for the graph embeddings were discussed. An overall summary was provided, and this served as a guide for most of the students to start their own projects in cutting edge technologies. There were 80 registrations with a turnover of 45.

Speaker: Mr. Shivam Abhilash, Business Technology Analyst, ZS Associates

Faculty Coordinator: Ms. Srishti Sharma

Student Coordinators: Mr. Soumye(17CSU214), Mr. Sourabh Sharma(17CSU241), Mr. Virendra Pratap Singh (17csu207), Mr. Yatharth Piplani (17csu212)

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