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Webinar on Introduction to Robotics

Webinar on Introduction to Robotics

The webinar was hosted on ‘go to webinar’ on 16th April 2020 at 5:30 pm. It was a 1-hour session where speaker highlighted the different types of robots and what are the necessary things associated with it. The hands-on experience was also given to the attendees. The speaker demonstrated how to make a robot move in different directions, then in different degrees followed by drawing basic figures like square and rectangle with different colors. In addition,he discussed how to make different art styles. The response from the attendees was very good. There were around 250+ registrations and around 200 students participated.

Speaker: Neelanshu (Chairperson, EWB Roboworld)

Faculty Coordinators: Ms. Monika and Manvi Bareja

Students Coordinators: Abhishek Singh, Bharat, Udyan and Tuhini

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