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Webinar on “How to be mentored for successful career”

Webinar on “How to be mentored for successful career”

EWB NCU Gurugram conducted a Webinar on How to be mentored for successful career on 28th May 2020 by Mr. Ashish Khare. During the webinar the speaker discussed about the importance of mentors as they become trusted advisers and role models – people who have “been there” and “done that.” He highlighted that mentoring is a unique combination of all of these. They help you learn and develop specific skills and knowledge. They typically set the topic, the pace, the goals, and the learning method. This discussion was followed up by the questions asked by the live audience present in the webinar. Total of 208 registrations were received and there were finally 426 views.

Speaker: Mr. Ashish Khare, Founder MentorKart, Co-Founder IOT World Labs

Faculty Coordinators: Ms Monika and Ms Manvi Breja

Student coordinators: Abhishek Singh, Tanu Verma

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