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Webinar on How Costa Rica became a 100% Renewable Energy Dependent Country

Webinar on How Costa Rica became a 100% Renewable Energy Dependent Country

IEEE The NorthCap University Power and Energy Society Student Branch Chapter in collaboration with IEEE Region 10 Young Professionals organized a Webinar on How Costa Rica became a 100% Renewable Energy Dependent Country on 24 July 2020, Friday. The speaker for the session was Mr. Montero Quirós Juan Carlos. He currently serves as the Vice-President at Membership and Image, IEEE Power & Energy Society and the President Elect 2020-21 at IEEECapana. National Thermal Engineer Day, is celebrated on 24 July annually to honour and appreciate thermal engineers and their contribution to the nation. On this occasion, IEEE NCU PES SB Chapter organized a webinar on How Costa Rica became a 100% Renewable Energy Dependent Country. Mr. Juan started the session with his introduction and shared some information about his country Costa Rica. He then proceeded to talk about how and why Costa Rica felt the need of switching to renewable sources of energy. He also stated some facts and figures showcasing how the shift to renewable sources has helped the country to supply energy to almost all its citizens. The webinar ended with a Q/A session where Mr. Juan answered the attendee’s doubts by quoting his experiences and the advancements happening in the Power & Energy Sector all around the world. The session was conducted on Cisco WebEx. 18 participants attended the webinar.

Faculty Coordinator: Ms. Vaishali Kalra, Ms. Srishti

Student Coordinator: Vibhuti Dahiya, Shubham Lamba, Vaibhav Sharma, Vipra Sagar, Yugansh Kumar

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