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Webinar on Design It Yourself (DIY1.0)

Webinar on Design It Yourself (DIY1.0)

IEI CSE Student chapter, NCU organized a webinar on Design It Yourself (DIY1.0)on 26th April 2020.This event provided a platform to learn designing and explore it sitting at their homes. The event enhanced our knowledge on designing, it explained the job of designers at their offices, the uses of designs, defined a good and a bad design and what types of images, colors and font should a good design include. New designing tools were introduced, and many techniques related to designing were discussed. The event also provided an open platform for all the participants to ask questions and clear their doubts. Mr. Vineet is a great influencer who always motivates us to explore something new. Earlier also he enlightened us on jugaad engineering which also held successfully and now he amazed us with his great ideas on designing. 700 registrations were received and final views on video were more than 2.3K.

Speaker: Mr. Vineet Gupta, UX/ UI Designer in Gemini Solutions

Faculty Coordinators: Ms. Neeti Kashyap, Ms. Hitesh Yadav

Student Coordinators:Mr. Ansh, Mr. Anveshak

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