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Webinar on Breast Cancer Awareness

Webinar on Breast Cancer Awareness

The IEEE STUDENT BRANCH in association with its WIE Affinity Group at The NorthCap University organized a webinar on Breast Cancer Awareness on 1st July 2020. The speaker for the webinar was Dr. Neeti Leekha Chhabra, founder of Yes to Life NGO. Her team is working towards breast cancer awareness, cancer screenings and patient support – financial, emotional and rehabilitation. Her work has been covered by various media platforms including CNN, IBN, Hindustan Times, The Hindu. She is also a TEDx speaker and an author who writes about life, positivity and happiness. Ms. Neeti Leekha Chhabra is herself a survivor and a Warrior against Breast cancer attuned the attendees with her experiences and knowledge. She began by introducing the topic and the need for educating everyone on breast awareness for females, breast cancer symptoms and initial steps to deal with it. She further added that Breast cancer is the most common female cancer worldwide including India, where diagnosis at advance stage, rising cases and mortality rates, make it essential to understand cancer literacy in women.

She further encouraged women of all ages to perform breast self-exams at least once a month as 40% of diagnosed breast cancers are detected by women in later stages. She also added the signs and symptoms of breast cancer. She wrapped the session by telling some natural strategies to help prevent breast cancer which enlightened the young minds present for the webinar. Her speech was then followed by an interactive “Q & A” session in which the attendees actively tuned in to resolve their queries. A total of 200 registrations were received and double number of live participations were witnessed during the event too. The webinar had a great impact over the participants. It helped them the get liberated from several myths that they had captured their thoughts for long. It was a highly insightful webinar that gave the attendees an in-depth knowledge on awareness on breast cancer, its importance, signs, symptoms and preventive measures. The faculty coordinator for this was Ms. Poonam Chaudhary, CSE department.

Student Coordinator(s): Ms. Tanishka Tayal (Moderator), Ms. Anjali Kaushik, Ms. Shivani Vashishta, Ms. Vipra Sagar, Ms. Aakansha Priya, and Mr. Animesh Das

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