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Webinar on Biologically Inspired Technologies

Webinar on Biologically Inspired Technologies

The webinar on ‘Biologically inspired technologies’ was held on 16th August 2020 and was conducted on ‘EWB NCU SB YouTube live’. The speaker of the webinar was Mr AT Kishore who is a retired flight lieutenant and CEO of Vidya Sangha Technologies. He is a life-time member of EWB society, senior member of IEEE and an evaluator of SIH 2020. He introduces with how biology is linked with technologies. He briefed about different types of robots used in this field how technologies are being used to help in biological industries. The session was ended with the question and answers asked by the audience. Last but not the least, he appreciated EWB team for organising the webinar and enabling him to connect with people from different parts of country. TMs. Monika Yadav was the faculty coordinator for the webinar and Bhavya Sharma, Pearl, Binay, Dikshit, Bhavya Gulati were the student coordinators. 190 students attended this webinar.

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