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Summer Immersion Programme, Taiwan

Summer Immersion Programme, Taiwan

“Success belongs to the efforts and will takes it further”

To step forward from the crowd, a group of students from the Department of CSE as mentioned, Ananda Sreenidhi, Eshita Mann, OM Sehgal, Aaryan Mehta, Kanav Bhatia, Harsh Kumar, Sambhav Dalal and Mayank Gupta participated in a Summer Immersion Programme-2019 which was a 10-day workshop dated 16-26 June 2019 held at Providence University, Taiwan. The sessions guided everyone in the areas of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) and 3D printing and Unnamed Aerial Vehicles (UAV). As a part of a fun day activity, they visited Hasinchu Science and Industrial Park and a documentary was shown to honour the work of Morris Chang and a tribute to his contribution to TSMC, Museum of Innovation. Motivation gives a bounce from the obstacles in the road to success, with the same passion and will, everyone was excited to be a part of the programme. Prof. Lu, Tzyy Chyang, Prof. Lu, Lin, Yaw-Ling, Prof. Tsay, Chey-Woe guided everyone as a mentor, explaining the function of the technologies and trends such as python, nature-inspired optimization algorithms, introduction to computer vision, deep learning techniques and applications and Big Data Analytics.

Dr Vijendra Singh, Faculty, The NorthCap University took this initiative to a next level where students can be empowered for their future endeavours.

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