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Sub-Section Congress (RSC-2020)

Sub-Section Congress (RSC-2020)

Four students from the university (Mr. Virendra Pratap(17CSU207), Mr. Yashdeep Lamba(17CSU210), Mr. Divyam Sachdeva (17ECU007) and Mr. Vatsalya Upadhyay( 19csu341)) participated in the Sub-Section Congress (RSC-2020) organized by IEEE Student Branch Manipal University Jaipur, Rajasthan on 12th January 2020, an initiative by the IEEE Rajasthan Sub-section and IEEE Delhi Section to improve networking among the student branches. The event was intended to attract inquisitive minds from across the state to interact, participate and discuss the evolving and changing technology. Mr. Virendra Pratap (17CSU207) was also a part of the organizing committee of RSC 2020.

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