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Spark Talks – Nothing Can stop a Great Idea

Spark Talks – Nothing Can stop a Great Idea

Department of Electrical, Electronics and Communication Engineering and IEEE-NCU Society  organized a one day Seminar in collaboration with Spark Talks on 3rd November 2018 on  motivating and inspiring  theme  “Nothing Can stop a Great Idea” in Auditorium, The NorthCap University, Gurugram.  Spark Talks is a global community, welcoming people from every discipline and culture who seek a deeper understanding of the world,  believe  in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and ultimately, the world with a motto “Unleash the Spark in You”. The speakers of the event provided an insight to audience that finding your true power in this modern day era, is most important of all. The students and professionals from different colleges and backgrounds attended the event.

Speaker #1  Richa Maheswari (CEO at Richa Maheswari Films & photography | TEDx speaker |Gold Medalist fashion comm. & Nominee in Young woman Entrepreneur

Speaker #2 Guilherme Petrin (Co-founder & Head-India at 12 Min. App)

Speaker #3  Akash Gupta (Co-founder & CEO at Mobcy)

The speakers shared their experiences, opinions and success stories with the audience.  Ms. Richa  Maheswari  shared her life story and journey of remarkable success,  which was especially  motivating for  all the woman present.

Mr. Guilherme Petrin  talk was related to the development and explanation of the App  12minutes, which is indeed a powerful and inspiring tool for self development. The app 12 min. provides the microbooks in the form of summarized ideas and concepts in various non- fiction domains in four languages.

Mr. Akash Gupta delivered an excellent and inspiring talk  about  Mobcy,  his  environment friendly, last mile commuting solution to the society in the form of Mobycy. The talk  provided the encouragement and the insight to the audience  that nothing can stop a great idea.

The ceremony ended with the Vote of Thanks by Ms. Naresh Kumari, Assistant Professor-EECE, IEEE-NCU Branch Counsellor. The event was coordinated by students Mr. Virendra Pratap Singh, Ms.Ritika Sharma, Mr. Yashdeep and  team under the guidance of  Ms. Naresh Kumari and  Dr. Sharda Vashisth, HOD-EECE.

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