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Personal Branding & Youth Entrepreneurship

Personal Branding & Youth Entrepreneurship

IEEE’s Biggest Virtual Event of India was a Webinar organized by the Student Branch of IEEE at the NorthCap University, Gurugram on 19th April 2020, Sunday at 12:00 PM IST. Ms. Miri Rodriguez, Global Head of Internships at Microsoft, an Author, Storyteller, and a Proud Mom addressed the audience on Personal Branding and Youth Entrepreneurship. Ms. Miri talked about what the Art of Storytelling is about, and how to engage your target audience. Ms. Miri highlighted the importance that the five phases of Design Thinking played in her life. She then proceeded to define each phase- Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, Test- in detail, touching upon key factors that one needs to keep in mind during Personal Branding. It was an enlightening session that saw some staggering, never-before seen statistics: 1000+. People from 43 Countries attended the session. Students and Faculty Members from 56 Schools and 200+ Colleges, as well as 64 Working Professionals were in attendance. Total of 830 participants were a part of the event.

Speaker:Miri Rodriguez is a globally recognized Storyteller and Head of Global Internship Program at Microsoft.

Faculty Coordinators: Ms. Srishti, Ms. Poonam, Ms. Vaishali Kalra

Student Coordinators: Ms. Priyanshi Kathuria (18CSU61)

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