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Orientation program on Internationalization of Education for 3rd year CSE students

Orientation program on Internationalization of Education for 3rd year CSE students

An Orientation program on Internationalization of Education was conducted by International Relation Office (IRO) on 13-2-2020 for B.Tech 3rd year CSE students. The aim of conducting this program was to aware students about the importance of Internationalization of Education, IRO activities and different MoUs of NCU with foreign Universities. Prof. Ram Karan Singh, Chairperson IRO informed students about IRO establishment and related activities carried by IRO-NCU. He talked about exchange programmes with world renowned universities namely ITB Ireland, University of Chester, UK; University of Regina, Canada; Michigan Technological University (USA), University of Dayton, Ohio (USA), Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan, for collaborative research, student and faculty exchange.

Dr. Hemant Trivedi, Convener IRO talked about various foreign academic excursions, internships and project collaborations along with faculty through frameworks of MoUs. Dr Shaveta Arora, CSE Coordinator IRO highlighted ITB Ireland Exchange Program options, eligibility criterion, career options and procedure to enroll in the program.

It was an interactive session and well received by the students. Students who want to study abroad asked their queries in the end of the session which were resolved by the Chairperson. The event was coordinated by Dr Shaveta Arora under the guidance of Prof. Ram Karan Singh.

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