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One-Day Consultative Workshop

One-Day Consultative Workshop

School of Management attended a one-day consultative workshop on ‘Practices of comprehensive sanitation management under Swachhta Action Plan-Engaging Higher Education Institutions’ dated 4 September 2019 organized by Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education (MGNCRE), Department of Higher Education, Ministry of HRD, GOI.

An advancement towards an idea of a clean Nation, it started with an awareness programme by the Government of India involving video documentations. Being among the top 100 HEIs in the country out of 40000, the University was given an initiative to adopt 2 villages for a transformation in their Sanitation Management for which the Government will support parallelly.

Prof. Geeta Singh – Director, CPDHE, University of Delhi and Dr Vinit Dani – MGNCRE distributed certificates to the attendees, motivating them for their endeavours moving forward.

AnnouncementAdmission Enquiry