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International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Data Science – ICCIDS 2018

International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Data Science – ICCIDS 2018

International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Data Science 2018 was jointly organized by The NorthCap University and University of Dayton, Ohio, USA on 7th and 8th April 2018. The conference was inaugurated by Hon’ble Shri Alok Joshi, Chairman, National Technical Research Organization, India.

The conference program was very rich with 28 sessions, two keynote lectures by Dr. Nilufer Onder, Michighan Technological University, USA on “Data Science at the Hardware-Software Interface” and Prof. Anjali Kaushik, Department of Information Management, MDI, Gurugram, India on “Issues and Challenges related to Computation, Intelligence and Data Science”. The conference was organized by the Department of Computer Science & Engineering with Dr. Vijender and Dr. Rita Chhikara as the Organizing Chairs under the supervision of Dr.Kavita Khanna, Head of the Dept.

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