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Industrial Visit at MSIL

Industrial Visit at MSIL

The NorthCap University, Gurugram organized Industrial Visit at MSIL, Gurugram on January 14, 2020 for B.Tech Students. The objective of this visit was knowledge sharing i.e. making the students aware about latest tools and technologies that Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. uses like: robotics etc. and to explore the job opportunities in IT department of MSIL. The visit was attended by 21 B.Tech. students along with three Faculty members. The team at Maruti Suzuki, guided the students through the entire process, giving them details about the functions of the gigantic automatic machines. The whole event included the following activities: Presentation about MSIL by Mr. Alok Srivastava (member, PR Team) and Plant Visit – by Mr. Alok Srivastava and his team (Member PR Team). This visit was coordinated by Dr. Sujata, Ms Meghna Luthra and Mr. Pratik Malik from CSE department of The NorthCap University

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