
IEEE Expressions 2020

IEEE Expressions 2020

IEEE WIE Affinity Group within IEEE NCU Student Branch conducted IEEE Expressions 2020’ from 20th April to 10th May 2020. The aim of the event was to upend boredom and to provide a platform to the people so that they get a chance to enhance their creativity amidst lockdown. This event encompassed 5 domains namely, Blogging, Photography, Artwork, and Design. The fifth domain was our social media challenges, which had no formal prize. The impact of this event extended to Tier-3 cities wherein the demographics of Schools, NGOs, and Orphanages where catered. The event included people from all over India and was able to target more than 100 colleges and total of 252 registrations were obtained with a turnover of the same number.

Faculty Coordinator: Ms. Poonam Chaudhary

Student Coordinators: Mr. Yatharth (17csu212), Ms. Shivani(18csu206), Ms. Vipra (18csu231), Ms. Anjali (17csu026), Ms. Aakansha(19csu001), Ms. Vibhuti(18csu227), Mr. Akshay(18csu013), Mr. Animesh(19csu027), Mr. Saumay(19ecu019), Mr. Anmol (19csu035)

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