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Guest Lecture on Career Counselling for Higher Studies in USA

Guest Lecture on Career Counselling for Higher Studies in USA

ACM student Chapter, Department of CSE organized a guest lecture on 23rd October 2018 on “Career Counselling for Higher Studies in USA”. The speaker was Mr. Raj Singh, Founder of Connexio, Inc., USA. His talk focused on the fact that a lot of focus is poured towards placing recent graduates in the market, while not enough is done to cater to the students who want to achieve a higher degree in their field of study. As the students set out to start on this journey, their company would act as enablers to fuel their success by providing them the right opportunities and direction. Connexio (connexio.io) is a developing mobile and web applications that connect international students with global universities using Artificial Intelligence. Around 119 B.Tech students attended the lectures and 20 of them got selected as student ambassadors. Apart from gaining information on higher study these students shall also be involved as interns with their product development team. He ensured that based on students’ performance and contribution they shall be receiving certificates from Connexio Inc., USA. The lecture was a big success with students. The event was organized by Dr. Rita Chhikara and Ms. Meghna Sharma.

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