Developing Essential Skills for Career at The NorthCap University
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Developing Essential Skills for Career at The NorthCap University

19th Jun, 2024

In today’s world, it is important to acquire certain skills so as to succeed in the career. These skills include soft or technical skills and play a crucial role in personal development along with professional growth. Learning these skills can truly be an added advantage in getting a job. At The NorthCap University, acquiring essential career skills is an ever-changing intricate method. Students acquire core competencies which help them in preparing for their next jobs. Also, incorporating these abilities in the resume can show their potential to the employers while seeking for jobs. When searching for job, students generally assume that it is the educational background or prior work experience matters. They do not realize that employers also assess the employees on the basis of key skills possessed. Employers prefer hiring those candidates with varied skill set. The more skills they have, the more valuable the employee can be for the organization, the more chances will be that the candidate would be selected. 

The NorthCap University provides an appropriate environment for the students to not only acquire these skills, but also embed them in their personality. The essential skills that students can learn at The NorthCap University (NCU) that are imperative for building a career include:

  1. Collaboration and teamwork – Collaboration entails working as a team to attain a mutual objectives and boost learning outcomes. NCU gives opportunities to students to collaborate on projects, participate in extracurricular activities, and give presentations of their ideas. Good teamwork empowers them to increase output while doing allocated responsibilities on time. Also, teamwork results in better decision making and interpersonal interactions.

2. Communication – Communication leads to effective dissemination of ideas. At NCU, communication forms a decisive part of everyday learning. It is an integral component of curriculum and has been embedded in all the courses. Numerous opportunities such as class presentations, group projects, and interactions with professors and peers are provided to students by which they can augment their communication skills. 

3. Critical thinking – Critical thinking is advantageous for students as leads to holistic development and prepares them for the difficulties of academic and professional life. Through group discussions, case studies, critical writing etc, NCU plays a noteworthy role in evolving critical thinking skills among students. Group discussions involve students to examine diverse prospects and construct logical arguments while case studies enable the students to recognize key issues, contemplate alternate solutions, and make informed decisions. Critical writing by way of assignments lead to development of in-depth ideas and encourage students to express explicitly and influentially.   

4. Versatility – Students can acquire vital professional skills such as persistence and resolve by adjusting to a fluctuating context and participating in life experiences. NCU helps in fostering this skill through the provision of study abroad programs and international exchange opportunities. Students are presented with the challenge of adjusting to various cultural norms, and social dynamics when they immerse themselves into new cultures and environments. Moreover, there are various clubs and campus activities in NCU which allow students to develop their leadership skills. Being responsible for leadership teaches learners to adjust to new duties, make others agree with them and effectively take charge. 

5. Technical literacy – In today’s digital era, it is important to have knowledge of technology so as to be competent in performing tasks. NCU s offers courses in numerous technical disciplines, such as computer science, business analytics etc. These courses familiarize students to elementary concepts, principles, and theories that serve as the foundation of technical literacy in their particular domains. The technical courses cover laboratory components. Students engage in hands-on experiments, simulations, or practical exercises. 

6. Professionalism – NCU places emphasis on professionalism. It ensures that students follow appropriate professional behaviour like being punctual for the classes, meeting deadlines for assignment submissions etc. Besides, NCU get opportunities to network with various professionals through guest lectures, workshops, alumni meet. It helps them in engaging with professionals in their area and establish professional connections. This prepares students for accomplishment in their eventual careers and contributes to a constructive and productive work environment.Thus, skills are the integral elements to succeed in any profession. Having a strong academic background is just the preliminary stage. In this perpetual changing world, communication, teamwork, versatility, critical thinking, technical literacy due to technological advancements, professionalism etc. have emerged as pillars to success. To stand out and thrive, students must cultivate vigorous skills. By prioritizing the development of these essential skills and capabilities together with academic accomplishment, NCU plays a key role in preparing students for successful career. It helps students to be pertinent and adaptable in the competitive environment. Hence, regardless of the chosen career path, building these skills is critical in today’s competitive landscape.

Authored By

Dr. Parul Khanna
Assistant Professor
Department of Management and Commerce
The NorthCap University


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