Awarding Hatch Scholarships to NCU’s Girl Students
23 Mar, 2023
We would like to thank Mr. Pierre Oliver, Regional Managing Director of Hatch Associates, South Africa and Ms. Ruby Rajvanshi......
Awarding Hatch Scholarships to NCU’s Girl Students
23 Mar, 2023
We would like to thank Mr. Pierre Oliver, Regional Managing Director of Hatch Associates, South Africa and Ms. Ruby Rajvanshi......
Clubs Fiesta The NorthCap University
23 Mar, 2023
From fun on-ground activities and events to some exceptional performances,...
Heartiest Congratulations to Our Scholarship Awardees
22 Mar, 2023
Your hard work and dedication has paid off tremendously, and we, as your trusted institution of choice are proud to invest in your...
NCU’s 12th Fee Concession & Scholarship Distribution Ceremony
21 Mar, 2023
The NorthCap University's 12th Annual Fee Concession and Scholarship Distribution Ceremony...
Day 2 | 2-day Training Programme Organised by SOL with NHRC
18 Mar, 2023
In our commitment to adopt a reformed approach towards making justice accessible...
Day 1 | 2-day Training Programme Organised by SOL with NHRC
17 Mar, 2023
In our commitment to adopt a reformed approach towards making justice accessible to all......
Celebration of International Women’s Day
4 Mar, 2023
As the world celebrates International Women's Day in March, we come together to reaffirm our commitment to women's equality...
SOL International Conference in collab with NLU Delhi & UDF Centro Universitário, Brazil
3 Mar, 2023
School of Law at NCU organised the IInd International Conference on Law and Technology: Moving towards the Digital Era in collabor...
CPAA conducts an Insightful Alumni Talk
21 Feb, 2023
An insightful Alumni Talk was conducted at NCU for the former students to share their valuable...