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Energy Conservation at NCU

The NorthCap university (NCU), since its inception, aims to reduce energy consumption, ensure standard indoor air quality, and improve energy efficiency on campus through methods that are consistent with a safe, secure, and involving the community within the campus. The policy on energy conservation highlights on developing a proactive and progressive approach to providing energy efficient, responsible, and cost-effective operations on campus. This policy of NCU is subject to review and updated periodically as and when various challenges.

Installation of a modern and hi-tech 150 KW rooftop Solar PV system. The system also has a net metering system in its parking area.

The plant generates 350-400 Units of power, the same is consumed every day, which amounts to 10,500 units per month. Thus, the university saves an amount of Rs. 78,000 – 80,000 per month (10,500 unts. X Rs. 7.50) in power consumption.



B. Energy Conservation

  • Use of solar energy
  • Low energy consumption utilities (LEDs, to find out more examples on low energy consumption utilities)
  • Use of smart materials/ Use of Greenhouse effect (e.g. use of glass panels for maximum absorption of heat leading to less consumption of energy for heating and cooling of the building)
  • The entire University campus is fully equipped with LED lighting to ensure less energy consumption.
  • The workshops and buildings have been renovated with false ceilings to reduce heat load.
  • The university uses HVAC system for air conditioning through chillers which uses r134a refrigerant for cooling that has a GWP (Global warming potential) of 1200.
  • The new building has double gazed façade, smoke detectors and sprinkler systems installed. The glasses have air gap mechanism having a U value of 1.5. The VLT (visual light transmission) value is 59%.


C. The Way Forward

The new building rooftop can be used for active solar energy system (Solar tree).



Energy conservation policy

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