Linear Algebra and Its applications 2023 - The NorthCap University
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Linear Algebra and Its applications 2023

19th Aug, 2023

Dive into the world of Linear Algebra and its real-world applications with the upcoming workshop where eminent academicians from reputed institutions will be sharing their knowledge with all participants.

Organised by the Department of Applied Sciences at NCU, the workshop, titled ‘Linear Algebra and its Applications’, will focus on elevating attendees’ comprehension beyond theoretical boundaries. The event has been meticulously designed to illuminate the multifaceted applications of Linear Algebra. From its pivotal role in Coding Theory, Image/Data Transfer, and Computing Matrix Functions to its profound influence on the intricate landscape of Machine Learning – prepare to witness mathematics come alive in practical domains.

Distinguished academicians whom we are thrilled to host, and who will graciously share their insights with our community:

Dr. R. K. Sharma, IIT Delhi
Dr. G. Arunkumar, IIT Madras
Dr. Ramakrishna Bandi, IIIT Naya Raipur
Dr. G. Naga Raju, VNIT Nagpur
Dr. A. Sathish Kumar, IIT Madras
Dr. Prabha Sharma, IIT Kanpur
Prof. Phool Singh, Central University of Haryana

We extend a cordial invitation to our esteemed graduate and postgraduate students, accomplished research scholars, distinguished faculty members, and our valued industry partners. Your collective presence promises to enrich the discussions, foster insightful interactions, and amplify the impact of this academic endeavour.


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