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To emerge as a school of applied science providing strong foundations in the areas of Mathematics, Data Science, Physics and Chemistry to engineering and other disciplines and develop innovative minds for learning and interdisciplinary research.
- Focus on developing strong foundations in applied science for nurturing professionals having sound analytical and critical thinking ability for innovative solutions of multi- disciplinary and socially relevant problems.
- Develop strong linkages with industry and research academies/labs for knowledge creation, dissemination, and application.
- Continuously improve the basic infrastructure in pursuit of academic excellence.
- Create a nurturing environment for lifelong learning.
- Focus on developing research echo system by mobilising grants from national and international agencies.
Department USPs

Highly experienced and research oriented Faculty, all holding Ph.D degree (mostly from IITs, NITs, Central and State Universities).

Curriculum and Teaching Learning Pedagogy
Curriculum is benchmarked with UGC, IIT’S and other reputed Universities. The syllabus is aligned with that of NET, GATE, JAM and other competitive exams. Advanced tools including virtual labs, MOOC Courses etc. are used. Strong emphasis on Context & project based learning through mini projects, tinkering lab, guest lecturers etc. Student activities through professional societies like OSA student chapter, ENACTUS, incubation center etc. are encouraged.

Student Counselors
Each student is assigned a faculty counselor, who guide students on personal and professional decisions and help them to create a career trajectory.

The Department holds various state-of-the art laboratories like; Physics Lab, Chemistry lab, Maths Lab, which are made available to the students to take their laboratory experience to a whole new level.

Research and PhD
More than 30 research scholars are pursuing their PhD in various emerging areas of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. The research laboratories are equipped with world class equipments like SEM, UV-VIS-NIR Spectroscope, L-C-R Meter, Holography set up etc. The department has received funding from various funding agencies like DST, DRDO etc. More than 50 research papers per year are published by various faculty members of the Department in International journals of repute.

Higher education opportunities
Some of our students have got admission in reputed National/International institutions and Universities like IIT Chennai, IIT Kanpur, Georgia State University etc., through competitive exams.

We help students to pursue their ambitions through proper guidance. We do our best to enable them make their career choice as per concurrently available options.

Alumni cell
Alumni cell caters the interactions between past and present students to enable students to follow their dream jobs and explore alternative options.

Modules for slow learners
The department provides a gamut of vocational/ practical courses for slow learners to explore further beyond existing curriculum.
Campus Life


Dr. Hukum Singh
Professor & HOD
PhD, Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Uttaranchal
MSc, Rohilkhand University, Bareilly
BSc, Rohilkhand University, Bareilly
Dr Hukum Singh is currently working as Professor (Physics) and Head of the Department of Applied Sciences at The NorthCap University Gurugram, actively involved in research. He has been teaching undergraduate and postgraduate students for more than 25 years. His PhD degree is in Physics with a minor in Computer Science from Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology in Pantnagar, Uttaranchal. The topic of his PhD thesis was: Studies of Certain Selected Materials with Photoacoustic Spectroscopy. Prior to his appointment at NCU, Dr. Singh was a Lecturer at Bareilly College, Bareilly, and PDM University, Bahadurgarh, Haryana. He was a JRF on a DST-funded project for three years. He has published 98 research publications in reputed journals, 03 book chapter and 80 papers have been presented in National, International conferences and workshops as well. In addition, he has published one book (A Text Book of Engineering Physics, Icon Publications). In addition, he teaches Engineering Physics I and II and Fundamentals of Physics.
- Dr Singh is awarded best researcher award (Ist rank) in the academic year 2021-22 by The NorthCap University, Gurugram, India.
- Dr. Hukum Singh has presented a research paper in the 24th congress of the International Commission of Optics (ICO-24, Japan Tokyo). The international conference was held from 21-25 August 2017 at the Keio Plaza Hotel, Tokyo, Japan.
- Associate Editor of IET Image Processing Journal
https://digital-library.theiet.org/journals/iet-ipr/editorial-board - Faculty Adviser of The NorthCap University OPTICA Student Chapter
- Dr. Hukum Singh has received the prestigious Deokaran Award for “Glass”–2018 on January 09, 2019, at the wave International, during the Society’s 82nd annual session of the Indian Ceramic Society (CSIR-CGCRI).
- He has also received the best research paper award as a first author in the year 2014.
- Outstanding reviewer of prestigious Elsevier journal, Optics, and Lasers in Engineering.
- Awarded senior membership by The Optical Society (OSA) the USA in the year 2018.
- Mentor of DST-funded project of Rs. 30.3 Lacs (Recently completed)
- Research project titled "Designing of various hybrid structure phase masks for optical image encryption for information security using certain selected mathematical transforms", Sanctioned by Anusandhan National Research Foundation (ANRF), Science & Engineering Research Board (SERB), Core Research Grant (CRG) Scheme (File No. CRG/2023/005504). Total cost of the project is Rs.2987688.
- Co-PI of DRDO funded research project Rs. 8.15160 lacs (Recently completed)
- Supervising M. Sc. M. Tech and Ph.D. Students
- Area of Expertise: Optical Image Processing, Photonics, Photoacoustic Spectroscopy, Glasses.Research
- Google Scholar Citations: h-index of 22 , i10-index of 41
Total citations: 1717 (Till Jan, 2025)
https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=qGHhvJwAAAAJ&hl=en - Scopus Citations: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=55627877662
- Research Gate Citations: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hukum_Singh
- Semantic Scholar Citations:
Singh/49064618 - Services to Research: Reviewer for reputed International journals:
Optics Lasers & Engg., Optics Express, J. Optical Society of America , Optics and Laser Technology, Optik, IEEE etc
- OSA (The Optical Society of America)
- SPIE (Society of Photo optical Instrumentation Engineers)
- OSI (Optical Society of India)
- ISTE (Indian Society of Technical Education)

Dr. Bharti Arora
Assistant Professor (Selection Grade)
M Phil (Chemistry) & Ph D (Chemistry), University of Delhi
M Sc (Organic Chemistry), Hansraj College (University of Delhi)
B Sc Chemistry (Hons.), Hansraj College (University of Delhi)
P.G. Diploma (Patent Law), NALSAR, Hyderabad.
Academic Experience
- Dr Bharti Arora has been associated with the university since July, 2013. She has more than 11 years of teaching experience including Hansraj College and Lady Irwin College (University of Delhi) in past. She is actively involved in teaching Engineering Chemistry, Environmental Studies, Organic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Biophysics, and Green Technology at NCU. She also received an appreciation for excellent classroom teaching by Head, ASIC Accreditation, UK (Prof John Wilson) in 2016 at NCU. She is also serving as a faculty for Environmental Studies course on NCU OL platform.
- A meritorious student throughout from University of Delhi, Dr Arora has been awarded “UGC Research Fellowship in Science for Meritorious Students”. She was also selected for the “Jawaharlal Nehru Scholarships for Doctoral Research Studies” in 2008. She has been honoured as “Bentham Science Ambassador” from “India” by Bentham Publishers. She has received Elsevier Reviewer Recognition as certificate of appreciation for reviewing articles for Cleaner Materials (Elsevier) journal. She has also been honoured with the NCU Academic Research Scholarship Award among the Top 10 Faculty Researchers on Teacher's Day 2024.
Research Areas/ Interest
Biophysical and Biochemical aspects of Nucleic Acids, Structural Biology, Biopolymers, Ionic liquids, Bioinformatics, Water Purification, Phase change materials, Nanocomposites, Carbon Nanotubes.
She is well acquainted with UV-visible & Circular Dichroism (CD) Spectroscopy, Gel Electrophoresis and Bioinformatic software/tools.
Research Guidance: Supervision of Doctoral Thesis, awarded-1, under progress- 01
International Collaborations: National University Corporation Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
Research Publications
Dr Arora has published ten research papers (WOS /SCOPUS) with a total SCI impact factor of 31.09. She has also published seven chapters in books (WOS /SCOPUS) and one Scopus indexed conference proceedings. She has participated in and presented papers at several national and international conferences. Controller of Patents, Designs and Trademark. Click here for publications.
View Scopus profile (https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=55800960000)
Google Scholar Citations: h-index of 8, i10-index of 8
Administrative Roles & Others
Besides her excellent teaching ability, Dr Arora looked after the research administration in university as Deputy Dean- Research, Development and Industrial Liaison (RDIL) (Aug 2014- Mar 2022). She also served NCU as Incharge for NIRF ranking and NAAC accreditation NCU committee in the past years. She is also a IQAC member.
She has also organized many guest lectures by eminent scientists from India and abroad. She also organized a National Workshop on “MEMS Design, Technology & Application” from 1st-3rd March, 2015 in collaboration with IITD (Co-Coordinator: Dr Bharti Arora, NCU & Coordinator: Dr Madhusudan Singh, IITD). She is actively involved in delivering invited talks and has participated in panel discussions and writing blogs.
She is actively involved in organizing chemistry events and educational visits for students including celebration of international year of chemistry 2019. Click here for details
- "Design the Thinking" Certification, FinTech School of Design Thinking, Chennai.
- Top UX design certifications, “Google UX Design” Professional Certificate developed by
- SWAYAM certification course on “Programming in Python.”
- IBM Professional certifications “Enterprise Design Thinking Co-Creator” & “Enterprise Design Thinking Practitioner.”
Scientific Associations
She is a Life member of DNA Society of India, The Indian Science Congress Association, Society of Biological Chemists (India), Indian Biophysical Society & Chemical Research Society of India. She is a reviewer for Cleaner Materials (Elsevier), Nature Scientific Reports (IF 4.011), PLOS One (IF 2.776) & Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry Journal (IF= 2.556), Environment, Development and Sustainability, Springer Journal (2.191).

Dr. Aditya Sharma
Assistant Professor (Sel. Grade)
MPhil, University of Delhi
MSc (Organic Chemistry), Ramjas College, University of Delhi
Dr Aditya Sharma has been awarded her PhD in Chemistry from IIT Delhi. She has pursued her doctoral research work in collaboration with National Physical Laboratory, Delhi, as a CSIR- Junior and Senior research fellow. She secured first position in Chemistry at her graduation level and was highest scorer in Organic Chemistry at IITD during her PhD. She continually qualified UGC-CSIR-NET/JRF exam in Chemistry (Dec. 2007, June 2008 and Dec. 2008). She secured first position in Chemistry at her graduation level and was highest scorer in Organic Chemistry at IITD during her PhD.
Research Publications
Aditya has published thirty three research articles, all in SCI/SCOPUS-indexed, peer reviewed international journals having an aggregate SCI impact factor of over 80 (open link for publications). The article entitled “Nanopatterned Cadmium Selenide Langmuir–Blodgett Platform for Leukemia Detection” authored by her, was a research highlight of Nature India & IITD website.
Research Project
A. Project investigator in DST-SERB funded research project (25th July, 2016 to 24th June, 2019).
Title of the project: Lateral Flow Assay Strip Sensor Development for Non–Invasive Point of Care Diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infection”
Sanctioned by: Department of Science and Technology (Science and Engineering Research Board) under Young Scientist scheme.
Sanctioned amount: Rs 42.02 lakh
B. In-House Projects
(i)VC Innovation fund
Team: Sarita Yadav and Aditya Sharma
Role: Faculty in charge and PhD supervisor.
Project Title: “Synthesis and electrochemical characterization of NiCo2O4@MnO2/N-doped Graphene as composite electrode material for supercapacitor applications”.
Sanctioned amount: Rs 1,99,090/-
Duration: 15th October 2019- 30th June 2022
(ii)VCMSSI scheme
Team: Manoj and Aditya Sharma
Role: Faculty in charge and PhD supervisor.
Project Title: “Development of MXene-based molecular imprinted electrode for vitro-diagnostic of Bilrubin in human serum sample”.
Sanctioned amount: Rs 1,35,000/-
Duration: 21st November, 2023- Till date
Research Guidance
- Currently, she is guiding five PhD scholars at NCU.
- Two scholars have completed PhD under her supervision with the following thesis title:
“Materials synthesis, characterizations, device fabrication and performance evaluation of spinel cobaltites based nanocomposite electrodes for supercapacitor application” (Degree awarded in December, 2023)
“ Development of paper-based bioelectrodes for the detection of bacterial infection-specific biomarker procalcitonin using gold nanoparticle and its composites” (Degree awarded in December, 2023)
- One research scholar has submitted PhD thesis under her supervision with the thesis title “Electroanalysis of serum amyloid a protein using gold and platinum nanoparticles and their composites-based bioelectrodes” (Thesis submitted in December, 2024)
Patents Published
- Y Gupta, Aditya Sharma Ghrera, “Development of conducting cellulose paper substrate for electrochemical sensing of bacterial infection specific biomarker” got published in India under application number 202211050926 A
Publication Date : 09/09/2022
- Yadav, Aditya Sharma Ghrera, Ambika Devi, “Novel nanocomposite material for supercapacitor eletrodes and method of preparation thereof” got published in India under application number 202211046005 A
Publication Date : : 09/09/2022
- Kalpana, Aditya Sharma Ghrera "PtNp modified electrode for electrochemical investigation of viral respiratory infection inflammatory biomarker serum amyloid a protein" got published in India under application number 202211064280.
Publication Date : : 25/11/2022
- Manoj, Aditya Sharma Ghrera "TI3C2TMXENE/Ortho-phenylenediamine for molecularly imprinted electrochemical sensing platform” got published in India under application number 202411044004A.
Publication Date : : 21/06/2024
Research Expertise/Areas of specialization
Hands on experience on UV-Visible and FTIR spectrometer, Electrochemical analyzer (CV, DPV and EIS), Langmuir Blodgett trough, Contact angle meter, Zetasizer and Gel Electrophoresis setup.
Her areas of research interest include Nanomaterial synthesis, Thin film deposition, Biosensor development, Lateral flow assay, Cancer and Urinary Tract Infection diagnosis.
Certification Courses Completed
- Completed “Programming in Python” from SWAYAM platform. Score: 86% (Jan-May, 2024)
- Completed “Art of C Programming” from SWAYAM platform. Score: 86% (Jan-May, 2024)
- Certificate course on ‘Coding for Everyone: C and C++ Specialization’ from Coursera with an average score 95%) (August, 2024)
- Completed “The Complete Quantum Computing Course” from UDEMY (May 2023-June 2024).
- Successfully completed “ARPIT 2020-Online Refresher Course in Chemistry for Higher Education Faculty” (June-Sept, 2020) (SWAYAM, MHRD). Score: 86%.Membership/Association with Professional Bodies/Societies
Life member of Materials Research Society of India, Chemical Research Society of India, The Indian Science Congress Association, and Indian Biophysical Society

Dr. Seema Thakran
Assistant Professor (Selection Grade)
PhD, Delhi University
Academic Excellence
She has an exemplary academic record and has consistently excelled as a student. She secured first position in Mathematics at her graduation level. contributed to the Food Committee during the "International Conference on Operator Theory and Related Areas" held at the Department of Mathematics, University of Delhi, from January 9-12, 2008. Her research interests encompass Algebraic Coding Theory, Information Theory and Cryptography, and Image Processing. She earned her doctoral degree from the Department of Mathematics, Delhi University and is currently focused on exploring innovative dimensions in her field.
Research Publications
She has published over 20 research papers published in prestigious international journals, including those indexed by SCI, SCOPUS, and Web of Science. She has been associated with the university since January 2017. She is actively guiding research scholars, with two students having successfully defended their theses under her supervision.
Workshop/Conferences organized
She organized workshop "The Power of Math – Interactive Applications in Modern Developments 2024" from 20 -24 August, 2024, sponsored by the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), conducted in a hybrid mode conducted by the Department of Applied Sciences.
Membership/Association with Professional Bodies/Societies
An active member of renowned mathematical societies, she is affiliated with the American Mathematical Society and is a life member of the Indian Science Congress Association, the Ramanujan Mathematical Society, and the Indian Mathematical Society. With nearly 17 years of teaching experience and a decade of research expertise, she has made significant contributions to her domain.
Research Expertise/Areas of specialization
Algebraic Coding Theory, Information Theory and Cryptography, Image Processing.
She is reviewer of renowned SCI/SCOPUS-indexed journals such as Heat and Fluid Flow, Waves in Random and Complex Media etc.

Dr. Arjun Singh
Assistant Professor, Sr. Scale(Physics)
PhD Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
M.Tech Thapar University Patiala
M.Sc Dept of Physics & Astrophysics, University of Delhi, New Delhi
Dr Arjun Singh received an M.Sc in Physics from the University of Delhi in 2007. He completed his M.Tech. from Thapar University Patiala and PhD from the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur in 2016. After two years of postdoctoral experience in India and abroad, he joined as an assistant professor of physics in the Dept. of Applied Science, North Cap University, Gurugram, India.
He is an experimental physicist interested in printable and flexible semiconductor devices, including polymer solar cells, perovskite solar cells, and thin-film transistors. His expertise extends to semiconductor device modeling and the application of machine learning in semiconductor devices. He has authored numerous peer-reviewed articles in leading scientific journals, significantly contributing to solar energy research and materials science. Recipient of the prestigious Teachers Associateship for Research Excellence (TARE) fellowship from the Department of Science and Technology - Science and Engineering Research Board (DST-SERB). This fellowship recognizes outstanding contributions to scientific research and
supports ongoing and future projects in sustainable energy.
Research Area: Semiconductor devices like TFTs, LEDs, polymer and perovskite solar cells, OLEDs, Thin film transistors (TFTs), phototransistor
Research Guidance: Currently guiding five PhD students, both individually and in collaboration

Dr. Rajni Rohila
Assistant Professor (Sr. Scale)
Ph.D, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee
Dr. Rajni holds a very attractive academic record throughout the course of her study. She has done her Ph.D in the field of Numerical Analysis in IIT Roorkee in the year 2018. She completed her graduation and post graduation from CCS university, Meerut. During the period of research work, she has published various research papers in the international journals of repute. She qualified National Eligibility Test (JRF) in 2012. She got DST travel award for presenting a research paper in international conference on applied mathematics ICOME-2017 held in Turkey.
Workshops and Seminars:
Computational Techniques for Differential equations with Matlab (CTDE-2015), July 02-06,2015, Department of Mathematics, IIT Roorkee.
International Conference on Mathematics and Applications (ICMA-2017), D.U. April, 26-28, 2017, presented a paper entitled “A Bernstein Polynomial Differential Quadrature Method for Numerical Solutions of Kawahara Equation”.
Annual Foundation School (AFS-I) organized in IIT Delhi by National Center for Mathematics (A joint center of TIFR and IIT Bombay), December 04-30, 2017.
Areas of Interest: Numerical solutions of PDEs, Numerical Methods, B-spline functions, Berstein Polynomials

Dr. Chetna Tyagi
Assistant Professor, Sr. Scale (Physics)
Doctorate of Philosophy from The NorthCap University, Gurugram.
M.Tech (Nanotechnology), School of Nanotechnology, RGPV, Bhopal
M.Sc (Physics) from UTD, Barkatullah University, Bhopal
Dr. Tyagi has received her PhD degree from The NorthCap University, Gurugram. She is a Gold Medallist in M.Tech (Nanotechnology) from Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, (RGPV) Bhopal. She has secured 2nd position in order of Merit in her M.Sc. (Physics) from Barkatullah University, Bhopal. She has 13 years of teaching and Research experience. Her research interests are mainly Supercapacitors, Nanosensors, Terahertz applications, Synthesis and fabrication of nanomaterials and optoelectronic devices, Halide perovskites/2D material heterostructures, Solar Cells, Polymer Nanocomposite. Dr. Tyagi has more than 17 publications and is presently guiding 5 research scholars.
Ongoing Sponsored Project
- Title: Integrated Approach for Nanocomposite Synthesis and Characterization for Optoelectronic Applications
- Role: Principal Investigator
- Funding Agency: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)
- Project Duration and Amount: 3 years and ̴ 22 Lakhs.
Completed Sponsored Project
- Title: Polymer nanocomposite-based solar cell
- Role: Principal Investigator
- Funding Agency: Women Scientist Scheme-A (WOS-A), Department of Science and Technology (DST)
- Project Duration and Amount: 3 years and 24,30,000/-.
Post Graduation Dissertations
- Structural, Optical and Transport properties of InxGa1-xAs/GaAs QW and InAs/InxGa1-xAs/GaAs DWELL structures, SCLS, RRCAT, Indore (M.P).
- Synthesis and characterization of CdS Quantum dot, School of Nanotechnology (SONT), Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal, (M.P).
- Study of Optical Properties of CdS Quantum Dot Thin Film, Nanomaterial Laboratory, Department of Physics, UTD Barkatullah University, Bhopal.

Dr Raman Yadav
Assistant Professor (Mathematics)
Ph.D.- Central University of Haryana
M.Sc.-MDU Rohtak Haryana.
B.Sc.(Hons.)-MDU Rohtak Haryana.
Dr. Raman Yadav currently working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Applied Sciences (Mathematics) at The NorthCap University, Gurgaon. Prior to joining NCU, he worked as an Assistant Professor at Lovely Professional University, Jalandhar, Punjab.
He has completed his Ph.D. from the Central University of Haryana in April 2024. His research focuses on Computational Imaging, Computational Ghost Imaging, Computer Generated Holography, and Elliptic Curve Cryptography. Dr. Yadav has published seven research articles in reputed journals and has presented his work at various national and international conferences. He was honoured with the best paper presentation award at a conference held at Chandigarh University.
Dr. Yadav qualified the CSIR National Eligibility Test (JRF) with AIR of 96. He has completed his undergraduate and postgraduate studies as an integrated course from the Mathematics Department, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak.

Dr. Shivani Yadav
Assistant Professor
B. Sc (H) Mathematics, Maitreyi College, Delhi University
M.Sc(H) Mathematics, The NorthCap University
Ph. D (Mathematics), The NorthCap University
Dr. Shivani Yadav has more than 3 years of teaching experience including Maitreyi College, Delhi University. She has taught various courses and also SEC and VAC courses in Delhi University having students from other colleges too. She was the resource person for two times in online course on Building Mathematical Skills conducted by Department of Mathematics, Maitreyi College across India. Apart this, she conducted workshop on VAC course. She played a good role in holding responsibility as a member of alumnae committee in past. Her area of research is Image Processing Using Mathematical transforms. She has published five research papers (WOS/SCI). She has also published three chapters in books (SCOPUS) and one Scopus (Elsevier) indexed conference proceedings. She has presented papers in international conferences.

Honorary Distinguished Research Professor and Mentor
Prof. Kehar Singh served as a faculty member of IIT Dehi during the period 1965-2011 in various capacities including Head Physics Dept. and Dean Postgraduate Studies and Research IITD. He was an ‘Academic Visitor’ at the Imperial College of Science & Technology, London during 1969-1970, and visited / carried out research for short periods at British SIRA Ealing, Queen’s Univ. Belfast, and N. P. L. Teddington (UK). He served as CLUSTER Chair at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne (Switzerland) in Dec.2002. Presently, he is Hony. Professor in the ‘Optics and Photonics Center’ IIT Delhi where he interacts and collaborates with faculty and students. Since 2011, he has also been Hony. Distinguished Research Professor at ITM (now NorthCap) University, Gurgaon where he mentors a group of faculty members and supervises research in the areas of Information Security, Singular Optics, and Nano-photonics.
As an active researcher and educator, he created infrastructural facilities at the IITD in his areas of interest (Information optics, Photorefractive nonlinear optics, Dynamic and digital holography and speckles, Optical correlators, Holographic storage, and Optical cryptography). He had been the backbone of the M. Tech. (Appl. Opt.) program at IIT Delhi ever since it started in 1966. This program has produced many scientists who occupy /occupied key positions in India and abroad. Prof. Singh mentored 32 doctoral-, 80 M. Tech. (Appl. Opt.)-, and 10 M.Sc./B. Tech students. He has published extensively, having authored / co-authored nearly 350 peer reviewed research papers. Besides these there are approx. 75 review articles in books and journals, and 70 papers in conference proceedings.
Prof. Singh’s awards and honors include: S. S. Bhatnagar-, Galileo Galilei-, OSI-, and Golden Jubilee ‘Distinguished Service’ Award IIT Delhi. He is a Fellow of OSA (now OPTICA), SPIE, INAE, and Distinguished Fellow of OSI, and served as President OSI (1991-1994), President, ISCA (Phys. Sci. Sec. 2004), Director, II Winter College in Optics (ICTP, Trieste, Italy (1995), Chairman, Research Council, IRDE Dehradun (2013-2018), Member RC, NPL New Delhi (2017-2021), and Member, Environmental Impact Assessment Committee (Thermal power plants) MOE, GOI (1996-2000).
Prof. Singh served as Associate Editor, Optics Express (2015-2021), Int’l advisory member, Editorial board Optical Review (Japan, 1994-2010), Member editorial boards: Optics & Lasers in Eng. (Elsevier, 1999 - 2006), Editorial member IJPAP (CSIR.1986-88), and currently serves as a member editorial boards Computer Optics (Russia), and J. Optics (India/Springer,1974- to date), He also served as a member/chair of several national committees of the MHRD, CSIR, ISRO, DRDO, DST, INAE. and as a member of the Executive Committee, National Photonics Program DRDO, Besides having served as a consultant to some industries/organizations, he has also been a consultant on security holograms to some state Govts. in India. He served as a member of the Executive Committee, National Photonics Program DRDO.

Prof. Anurag Sharma
Professor (Adjunct Faculty)
Honorary Adjunct Professor, Applied Physics Department
M.Sc. (Physics) – IIT Delhi
M.Tech. (Applied Optics) – IIT Delhi
Ph.D. – IIT Delhi
Anurag Sharma is an Emeritus Professor of Optics and Photonics and has been teaching at IIT Delhi since 1980. His research has been concerned with propagation of light in imaging and waveguiding devices. He has published over 110 journal papers and over 200 conference papers.
He received the INSA Young Scientist Medal in 1986 and the Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize in 1998 for his research contributions. He is a recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award of IIT Delhi. He is a fellow of all the three science academies (INSA, IAS and NASI) in India, the Indian National Academy of Engineering, and of Optica (USA) (formerly OSA). He has been the President of the Optical Society of India, a Vice-President of INSA and a Vice-President of NASI and is at present Chairperson of its Delhi Chapter of NASI. At IIT Delhi, he has served as Dean of Student Affairs and Dean, Academics and has been Head of the Physics Department. He has been an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at University of Karlsruhe (now Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) (Germany) and Senior Associate of the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste (Italy). He has held a Homi Bhabha Fellowship and a JC Bose Fellowship. He is a recipient of the 2024 Esther Hoffman Beller Medal of the Optica (USA) for ‘his for outstanding contributions to optics and photonics teaching, research and leadership’.

Prof. Prabha Sharma
B Sc Maths (honours) Delhi University
MSc Mathematics, Delhi University
PhD Northwestern University, USA
Post-doctoral fellow at University of Florida, Gainesville, USA.
Served as professor in the department of Mathematics and Statistics, IIT Kanpur For 35 years. Was AICTE and UGC fellow after retirement at IIT Kanpur. Recorded two 40-hrs courses for NPTEL for UG and PG curriculum. Currently emeritus professor at the Northhcap university, Gurufram, Haryana, Guiding PhD and MTech students and mentoring faculty in CSE and Applied Sciences departments. Reviewer for National and International research journals. Areas of interest are: Design and Analysis of algrithms for Optimisation Problems, Applications to Stegnography and Machine learning. Explainable AI.

Prof. Ram P. Tandon
Professor (Adjunct Faculty)
MSc (Physics), Delhi University
PhD (Physics), Delhi University
Prof. Tandon served as a Senior Scientist at the National Physical Laboratory for about TWO DECADS. Subsecuently he was appointed as a Scientific Advisor to the Government of Haryana. Later on he joined the Department of Physics and Astrophysics at the University of Delhi, Delhi 110007, as Professor and also served as the Head of the Department. He has also been Scientific Consultant at the Nanocenter of the Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi, for about TWO YEARS.
Currently, he is the distinguished Visiting Faculty at the Maharshi Dayanand University (MDU), Haryana. He has also served as Governers Nominee for the Unoversity of Jammu, Jammu, and at the Kashmir University, Kashmir, for several years.
He has vast experience of Scientist/Professor at Massatusets Institute of Technology (MIT), USA, Queens University, Quebec University, Seol National University, Angers University (France), to name a few.

Prof. Ashwani Sharma
Professor (Adjunct Faculty)
Chairman, Department of Physics,
MDU, Rohtak MCA, MDU, Rohtak M.Phil.,
Kurukshetra University Ph.D., MDU, Rohtak
Prof. Ashwani Sharma is a distinguished academician with an illustrious career spanning over 35 years. He served as Professor and Head of the Department of Physics at Maharshi Dayanand University (MDU) in Rohtak, until his retirement in December 2015. Alongside his Ph.D. in Physics, he earned an MCA degree during his teaching tenure, demonstrating his commitment to continuous learning.
Prof. Sharma has also taught B.Tech courses as Head of the University Institute of Engineering and Technology (UIET) at MDU, Rohtak. His academic contributions include supervising three Ph.D. scholars and publishing 38 research papers.
He has actively participated in around 15 national and international conferences, presenting his work in countries such as Canada, the UK, Japan, and the USA. Additionally, he has organized two workshops and one national conference on nanotechnology in Rohtak, showcasing his dedication to advancing research and fostering academic collaboration.
Prof. Sharma’s extensive experience and academic contributions make him an invaluable member of the institution.

Professor (Adjunct Faculty)
I retired from M.D.University Rohtak as Prof & Head Physics.
My parents migrated to Punjab from Multan (Pakistan) in 1947.
My school education was in erstwhile Punjab and earned my higher degrees from University of Delhi under the guidance of Prof Krishan Lal and Prof G.C.Trigunayat.
During my Ph.D. I learnt fabrication of instruments for single crystal growth and reported five new structures of Cadmium Iodide.
During my career I have held various positions as Head Physics in University college, University Institute of Engineering & Technology and Dept of Physics M.D.University Rohtak.
In addition to teaching, I got a chance to visit as many as 12 countries in connection with research and have more than 40 research papers to my credit.
Not only that, I remained active in State of science education for women in Haryana and delivered many talks nationally and internationally .
During my early career I also authored a book of +2 stage in 1990.
After retiring from M.D. University in 2016 I joined Baba Mast Nath University Rohtak as Prof & Head and worked there till 2021 and could produce 6 Ph.D. students under my guidance.
At present I am active in academics and am on the panel of experts for various bodies like Uttarakhand Public Service Commission Haridwar and member Third world organisations for women in sciences, Italy.

Prof. Avinash.C.Sharma
Professor (Adjunct Faculty)
Most recent position held : Senior Consultant (Research & Co-ordination), the Chairman’s Secretariat, ICSSR Headquaters, N. Delhi (2022 onwards).
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Over 40 years of UG , PG teaching & research and faculty mentoring and other development & organization-building activities..
- Interests: Theoretical Particle Physics & Cosmology, Modelling & Simulations, Socialogy of Sc& Tech., Social Physics, policy planning.
- Published over 45 research papers in journals of international reputes like Physical Review, J of Phys. G, Advances in High Energy Physics, Phys.of Part. & Nucle. Letts. , J of Optical Tech., National Security, etc.
- delivered a large number of invited talks /keynote addresses/lead talks within India & in countries like Japan, China, USA, Taiwan, Russia, Greece, Italy, etc.
- Sucessfully completed several major research project sfunded by DST, DAE, UGC, etc.
Awards & Fellows
- Prize: “Hari Om Ashram Research Endowment Prize” 1994-95
- Fellow: “ICSC World Laboratory Fellow”, 1989-90, Geneva (Switzerland) and LNF_INFN, Frascati, (Rome), Italy.
- Associate: “Inter-Univ Center for Astronomy & Astrophysics:, 1992-95, Pune
- Visiting Fellow ; Nihon University, Tokyo (Japan), 1997
- Senior Speaker: ‘Theoretical Physics Seminar Circuit (TPSC)’ S.N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Kolkatta,1996-98.
Honorary Director on the ‘Board of Directors’ of few firms Multywave Technologies LLC, Texas USA, Appins Technologies Pvt.Ltd. , Bangalore, Techservices LLC, CA, USA, Acuwin Solutions, Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad.
- One of the very-early core-team of employees of the University after its inception in December 1998, had been a part of foundational activities of the University and share the pride and the responsibility of its success story.
- Served in various capacities like: Chairman-Sports Committee (2002-2005), Dean USBAS (2005-2008), Director-Academic Affairs (2009-2011), Chairman, University Information Resource Centre (UIRC), (2009-2012); Director, Co-ordination (2015-2019); Director (Research & Consultancy) (2019-2021); Director (East Campus) -extending well into post retirement till 2022.
Beyoud IPU:
- Expert Member to the statuary bodies and selection committee in a number of states & central universities & other reputed institutions like UPSC, IITs, NITs, etc..
- Undertook the conceptualisation and development of the Concept Document for Delhi Sports University for the Government of NCT of Delhi.
- Member Secretary, of the VIF Task Force on “Towards more Effective Higher Education: Emergence of STEM Education in India”, VIF Publications, March 2019.

Prof. (Ms.) Kusum Sharma
Professor (Adjunct Faculty)
Professor of Chemistry (Retd.);
Mait, GGSIPU, New Delhi.
RESEARCH interests:
- Polymer Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Green Chemistry. Published over 20 research papers in journals of national and international repute and guided Ph.D. students. Undertaken Major RESEARCH Projects funded by DRDO, etc.
- 1981-1986
Worked for Ph.D. Research on industrial oriented project Physico-Chemical Studies of Guar gum Derivatives. Held the CSIR JRF and SRF.
- 1990-1995
Research Associate on CSIR fellowship at the Department of Chemistry, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra.
- 1995-2000
Had the honor of being one of the early core-team of employees of the Guru Jambheshwer University, Hisar since its inception in July 1995. I share the pride and responsibility of the success story of the University. Some of the key contributions are:
- envisioning, planning and implementation of various academic and Institutional activities at the department as well as at university levels.
- As Assistant Professor in Department of Industrial Chemistry, played key role in establishment of new Department of Industrial Chemistry including setting up the Post Graduate & Research grade laboratories.
- Founder-Warden, Girl’s hostel (1996-2000).
- Member of various academic and allied committees and statuary bodies of the university.
- 2000-2007
Associate Professor and HOD in Department of Applied Sciences of newly establishment GPM College of Engineering, New Delhi (Affiliated to GGS Indraprastha U. New Delhi). Held position of Deputy Director in GPMCE.
- 2007 -2024
Professor of Chemistry and Head, Department of Applied Sciences, Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology, New Delhi (Affiliated to GGS Indraprastha U. New Delhi).
- As HOD, Applied Chemistry and Incharge, Department of Applied Sciences deeply involved in all the academic & administrative work.
- A number of Seminar, Research level Workshops & Faculty Development Programs were organized regularly.
Have been member of several academic committees/ bodies of GGSIPU.

Prof. Ajay Kumar
Professor (Adjunct Faculty)
Prof. Ajay Kumar is currently Senior Scientist, National Academy of Sciences India in the Department of Mathematics, University of Delhi. He did his M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Mathematics from University of Delhi.
He has been teaching at University of Delhi since 43 years along with holding various positions like Dean Research, University of Delhi; Dean, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences; Head, Department of Mathematics; Chairman, Board of Research Studies in Mathematical Sciences; etc.
His research majorly focuses on Harmonic Analysis; C*-algebras; Operator Spaces; Operator systems and complex analytic methods in partial differential equations. He has published 87 research papers in International journals of high impact factor and repute. He has collaborated with eminent international mathematicians from University of Paderborn, Freie Universitat Berlin, Germany, University of Strassbourg, France ,University of Edinburgh, U.K., Gunma University, Japan etc. He has supervised 23 Ph.D. and 19 M. Phil. theses in University of Delhi.
Prof. Ajay Kumar is a Fellow of National Academy of Sciences, India. He has received 12 international research fellowships such as DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service), DFG (German Research Foundation), CIES French fellowship, Commonwealth Staff fellowship, Royal Society London Fellowship, JSPS Japanese Fellowship, Post Doctoral Fellowships of German Universities etc.
Prof. Ajay Kumar was the Sectional President of Mathematics in Indian Science Congress 2014-15, council member of Indian Mathematical Society 2014-17 and is presently a Fellow of International Society of Analysis and Applications, New York along with being member of various other international and national mathematical societies.
He has been on several academic committees of University Grants Commission, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Department of Science and Technology, Union Public Service Commission, etc.

Dr. C. B. Gupta
Professor (Adjunct Faculty)
A recipient of Shiksha Rattan Puraskar 2011, Best Citizens of India award 2011, listed in Marquis who is who in Science and Technology in the world December 2010, 2013, 2016, listed in top 100 scientists of world in 2012, Glory of India Award 2013,and Best Personality of India award 2016. Dr. Gupta who is presently working as a Senior Professor of Mathematics,Chairman NAAC committee of The NorthCap University, Gurugram (Formerly Professor of Mathematics, BITS, Pilani &LNMIIT, Jaipur) and having a very rich experience of about 36 years in teaching and research obtained his Master’s degree in Mathematical Statistics and Ph.D. in Operations Research from Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra (India). His field of specialization includes Applied Statistics, Optimization and Operations Research , on these topics he has published/ presented more than 90 research articles in peer reviewed national, international journals and national and international conferences. A number of students have submitted their theses/ dissertation on these topics under his supervision. He has authored four book chapters and also has 18 books in his credit on the topics of Probability and Statistics, Quantitative Methods, Optimization in Operations Research, Advance Discrete Mathematics, Engineering Mathematics , Advance Mathematics etc. Apart from these Dr. Gupta has been chief -editor for the proceedings of first, second ,third and fourth,fifthe and sixth international conference on Operations Research and Statistics being held at April 2011 in Malaysia, 2012 in Indonesia, 2013,2016,2017 and 2018 in Singapore respectively. He is also on the editorial board and reviewer of a number of national and International journals. He was also awarded best paper award at the annual conference of National Academy of Science India held at Calcutta University, Kolkata from 15-17 December 2009.
Dr. Gupta is a member on various academic and management committees of many Institutes/ Universities such as member board of studies, advisory committee, selection committee etc.He is also examiner for various degrees such as Ph.D., M.Phil, M.Tech, M.Sc.,M. B.A. and BE/B. Tech etc. for a number of universities and institutions. He has participated in more than 100 national and International conferences in which he has delivered invited talks and chaired technical sessions and also has organized a number of national conferences, workshops, faculty development programmes in BITS Pilani and in other institutions outside Pilani as well. He has also delivered expert talks on the various topics related to mathematics, statistics and operations research in India and abroad. Dr. Gupta has been member of Rajasthan board of school education and also member of various committees of RPSC Ajmer, UPSC, New Delhi and AICTE, New Delhi.

Dr. V. K. Sharma
Adjunct Professor
Dr. V. K. Sharma did his B.Sc. from D.A.V. College Amritsar, Punjab in 1977 and M.Sc. from Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak (Haryana) in 1979 with specialization in Physical Chemistry. He did his Ph. D from Maharshi Dayanand University in 1983 and joined the same University as senior lecturer in 1989 from where for elevated to the post of Reader in 1997 and Professor in 2005. He is currently working as a Visiting professor in Indira Gandhi University, Meerpur, Rewari (Haryana) since October 2024. He has worked as Director Research, Dean of faculty of Physical and Head of Chemistry Department, M.D. University Rohtak, Emeritus Scientist, CSIR (w.e.f 1.1.2019 to 31.12.2023). He has participated in multiple Committees and statutory bodies of the M. D. University and other State Universities/Academic institutions. He has 34 years of post-graduate teaching experience in Quantum mechanics, Statistical mechanics, Thermodynamics and Other topics related to Physical Chemistry. He has been Coordinator of various Programmes like SAP, FIST sanctioned to the Department. He has visited Norway, UK, USA and Germany to present Research papers in International Conferences and also deliver lectures in Universities. He has guided 21 students for the award of Ph. D degree. He has developed Graph theory for the fust time to estimate thermodynamic properties like Excess molar volumes, Excess isentropic compressibilities, Excess molar enthalpies and Excess heat capacities of liquid mixtures (Components being polar, non-polar, ionic liquids, diesel, biodiesel). He has published 175 research papers in Journals of International repute.

Prof. Satish K. Awasthi
Professor (Adjunct Faculty)
PhD – University of Allahabad
Prof. Satish K. Awasthi, Senior Professor in the Department of Chemistry, had an illustrious academic and research career. He earned his Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Allahabad in 1991 under the supervision of Prof. Krishna Misra. He began his research as a DBT Research Associate with Prof. P. Balaram at IISc Bangalore, focusing on De-novo design and synthesis of β-Hairpin Peptides (Research article: I. L. Karle, Satish K. Awasthi, P. Balaram. A Designed β-Hairpin Peptide in Crystals. (1996) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 93, 8189-8193). Later he worked with Prof. Peter E Nielsen at The Panum Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, on peptide-nucleic acids (PNA) (Research article: Liam Good, Satish K. Awasthi, R. Dryselius, O. Larsson, Peter E. Nielsen (2001) Bactericidal Antisense Effects of Peptide-PNA Conjugates. Nature Biotechnology, 19, 360-364). Expanding his expertise, he moved to USA and joined Department of Pharmacology, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Piscataway, New Jersey. Later, he joined University of Massachusetts Medical School, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, Worcester where he worked on design and synthesis of small molecules targeted to Cyclin dependent kinase-9(CDK-9) and Tat-TAR interaction. Prof. Awasthi has been honored with several prestigious international research fellowships, including the Tokyo Institute of Technology (TIT) – UNICEF Fellowship Award (1997), the ICMR International Fellowship for Young Biomedical Scientists (2008), and the INSA-Exchange Visiting Scientist Award (2010). His current research focuses on designing antimalarial compounds, X-ray crystallography analysis of small molecules and material science. Over the course of his career, he has successfully supervised 32 Ph.D. scholars, published 108 research articles, secured 2 patents, and contributed to 7 book chapters.

Dr. Sudesh Kumar
Additional Staff - Sports Officer
Dr. Sudesh Kumar joined as Sports Officer in Sports department on 02nd February 2015. After completion of M. P. Ed in Physical education from (EIILM) Sikkim University. Mr. Sudesh Kumar pursuing Ph.D. from SUNRISE University Alwar , RAJASTHAN . He played 33rdNational games in Netball (Guwahati). He was an International Empire of Netball game Singapore 2005 and INDO-PAK International Netball Series 2005. He has done certificate course of Netball Coach from NIS Gandhi Nagar 2005. Umpiring in 5thAsian Youth Netball Championship in India (Bangalore) 2006, INDIA V/s SRI LANKA Women Netball Series 2009, and 34thNational Games in netball as umpire (Jharkhand) 2011 and Technical Official in7thAsian Youth Netball Championship in India (Thyagaraj Stadium 2010). Having 18 year experience in teaching and coaching to students.

Dr. Anil Kumar Jharotia
Additional Staff-Librarian
M.A. Public Administration, Aacharya(M.A. in Sanskrit), PGDM (Marketing), M.Phil and PhD.
Dr. Anil Kumar Jharotia is the Librarian of The NorthCap University. He has 25 years’ experience in his professional area. He has passed master’s in Library & Information Science, M.A. Public Administration, Aacharya (M.A. in Sanskrit), PGDM (Marketing), M.Phil and PhD. He is author and editor of 9 books, and he contributed 92 Book Chapters/Papers/Articles in reputed Journals and Conference Proceedings.
His Vidwan score is 9.3 and he has presented a number of papers in Conferences. He organized many Library events like Conference, Seminar, Webinar, Book Exhibition and Workshop. He is Chief Editor, Journal of Information Technology and Library Science, Associate Editor, Journal of Library & Information Communication Technology, Editorial Board member and Reviewer of many reputed Journals. He is Life Member of Library Professionals Foundation, Indian Library Association, SALIS, Library Professionals Association and MRES. He developed www.librarydotcom.webs.com weblog. He received many awards for his outstanding performance in the area of Library and Information Science namely Shan-E- Granthalay Sammaan-2022, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan National Honor 2021, Librarians Award-2021, MRES-Emerging Scholar award, Award of Excellence, Digital Excellence Award, Mitra Award, Best Paper Present Award, Best Information Service Award by DRDO & IASLIC, Best Publicity Librarian Award etc.

Dr. Hukum Singh
Professor & HOD

Dr. Bharti Arora
Assistant Professor (Selection Grade)

Dr. Aditya Sharma
Assistant Professor (Sel. Grade)

Dr. Seema Thakran
Assistant Professor (Selection Grade)

Dr. Arjun Singh
Assistant Professor, Sr. Scale(Physics)

Dr. Rajni Rohila
Assistant Professor (Sr. Scale)

Dr. Chetna Tyagi
Assistant Professor, Sr. Scale (Physics)

Dr Raman Yadav
Assistant Professor (Mathematics)

Dr. Shivani Yadav
Assistant Professor

Honorary Distinguished Research Professor and Mentor

Prof. Anurag Sharma
Professor (Adjunct Faculty)

Prof. Prabha Sharma

Prof. Ram P. Tandon
Professor (Adjunct Faculty)

Prof. Ashwani Sharma
Professor (Adjunct Faculty)

Professor (Adjunct Faculty)

Prof. Avinash.C.Sharma
Professor (Adjunct Faculty)

Prof. (Ms.) Kusum Sharma
Professor (Adjunct Faculty)

Prof. Ajay Kumar
Professor (Adjunct Faculty)

Dr. C. B. Gupta
Professor (Adjunct Faculty)

Dr. V. K. Sharma
Adjunct Professor

Prof. Satish K. Awasthi
Professor (Adjunct Faculty)

Dr. Sudesh Kumar
Additional Staff - Sports Officer

Dr. Anil Kumar Jharotia
Additional Staff-Librarian
Societies and Clubs

Enactus National
Our senses towards the underprivileged are curious, our heart reaches out to those in need and we aspire to make sure that our existence becomes a reason for someone’s smile today. We got your back when your days are bad, we, are Enactus. We strive for lighting up the darkest corners of our society, because we believe that nothing is impossible.
A student chapter of the Enactus Society. It is an international non-profit organization that connect students, academics and business leaders through entrepreneurial-based projects that empower people to transform opportunities into real, sustainable progress for themselves and their community. At Enactus, The NorthCap University, Gurgaon, we aim to partake projects that can help communities around us in the best ways possible and try to pave the road for their progress.
Our society is full of capable people, some intelligently use the right colours and brushes to paint their canvas, while there are millions of others who have the colours, but are unable to find their canvas. Providing them with this canvas is what defines our nature of work.
Team submitted project ‘’EHSSAS’’ in KPMG Business Ethics Grant on 20th September 15. The project was based on segregation of dry and wet waste at source level. Dry waste is thereafter sent to recycling unit. For this, students visited weekends in different communities in Gurugram such as sector 56 and DLF Phase-4. Wet waste converted into manure either by simple composting method or Vermi-compositing method.
PROJECT KUMHAAR: This project has helped the depleting essence of pottery in India by giving the Kumhaars a chance to spin their wheel again and make their livelihood out of the lost Indian heritage.
PROJECT INAAYAT: It aims at building pencils out of newspapers. Using waste newspapers as the primary raw material, we present pencils that minimize the felling of trees for the purpose of wood. Not only does it contribute to the protection of environment, but also aims at employing the disabled people, hence providing them with their regular incomes.
Our work has been exceedingly appreciated and we have been given grants to fund our projects and to keep the social work fully able. Grants by KPMG and Bluedart have added feathers to our caps and have motivated us to keep giving in our best efforts to make this society a better place to live in for everyone.
KPMG : Rs. 50,000/- + 20,000/
BLUEDART : Rs. 50,000/-
WALMART : Rs. 20,000/-
NCU Enactus society has been selected for KPMG Business ethics grant of Rs 50,000/- for the year 2019-20. KPMG International is a global sponsor for Enactus and has been supporting the programme in more than 30 member firms.
Our Enactus society has been selected amongst 20 teams that were shortlisted all over the country.
Volunteer Week – An India@75 initiative in collaboration with Enactus
The team of Enactus NCU organised an awareness campaign about newspaper pencils and the use of eco friendly products and also about avoiding the wastage of resources in Janta Model School , Khandsa Village for around 220 students.
Faculty coordinator – Dr Amita Bhagat & Dr. Anshu Malhotra

“Mathemactive”, the Maths society of NCU(Formerly ITM University), was envisaged by Applied Sciences and Humanities department in 2008 with a vision to promote and facilitate the knowledge and applicability of Maths in various fields and encourage the students to participate and drive out their inherent fears of mathematics being a ‘tough’ subject and subsequently increase their ‘mathematical quotient’ which forms the crux of most competitive exams as well.
This society concentrates on events related to Mathematics.
ADVANCE the understanding of modern mathematics and the technical mathematics by bringing together the ideas of professors of diverse background, by facilitating the integration of research directed at all levels of mathematical organization and by encouraging translational research to develop improved methods and easy ways.
PROVIDE professional development activities, information and educational resources for mathematics, increase participation of students from other institutes as well
PROMOTE public information and general education about the nature of mathematics’ discovery and results and implications of latest research.
INFORM students about new scientific knowledge, recent developments and emerging opportunities in mathematics research and their implications.

Minerva – The Quizzing Club
At the grassroots level, the Quizzing Society aims to inculcate curiosity in students and encourage them to undertake the quest for knowledge. The Society aims to prepare all student members to be competent enough to face the fast-moving, competitive world by motivating them to participate in competitive examinations with confidence and emerge victorious.
Quizzes are different from GK Tests in the sense that they have the aspect of “work-ability” to them. This means that even a novice can attempt these quizzes and do well in them – this helps encourage and inculcate curiosity in the student. They promote sportsmanship and a healthy spirit of competition.
The Quizzing Society aims to unite interested individuals and provide them with a platform to practice quizzing in the pattern followed across India at the university level. As part of the society, we aim to train members and keep them up-to-date with the latest trivia and current affairs, so that we can represent the university at various quizzes held at the intra-university, inter-university, regional, national, and international levels.
Students get to stay up-to-date with current events and get to express themselves in a new format. They also get to learn in-depth about any field they wish to know about.
They may also get exposure to participating in various quizzing contests around the Delhi-NCR region (as beginners) and outside Delhi, based on their performance in the society.
This will help them gain confidence, forge new bonds with fellow members, and gain knowledge which will help them in the long run (in interviews, in general development, etc.).

‘Prayaas- NCU’ help the students in practicing academic knowledge outside the classroom contexts, develop critical thinking skills while solving real-world problems, and to think about social issues in new ways. Additionally, students would be gaining a unique perspective of what life is like for a group of people that are often overlooked.

The Optical Society (OSA), Student Chapter
Objectives of “OSA”:
- To promote the generation, application, and archiving of knowledge in optics and photonics.
- Rendition of career guidance and financial assistance to students of the said sciences.
- Exposure to Research International Conferences.
- Continuing education of Members and other interested persons in the said sciences through lectures, workshops, product presentations, publications and expositions.
Latest Events:
- Science Day
- Ad Lucem – An optical Treasure Hunt
- Magazine Distribution to schools by OSA members
- Ice-Breaking Session for Freshers
- Photography competition

Yoga Club
Yoga, when we hear the word yoga, our very first perception is exercises or Asana and the second is, spirituality or rituals. But yoga is far beyond that. Yoga does not only mean doing Asanas and getting a fit and flexible body, that is just a side benefit. But the main aim of doing Yoga is calming and pacifying our mind. And making our body and mind work together in harmony.
And in today’s rushing environment, calm mind and fit body working according to the mind is the need of the hour. But we often do not know. In education institutes like ours, where faculties, students, management and every stakeholder give his or her heart and soul for the betterment of the University, I believe its my duty and University’s responsibility to take care of the whole round development of their stakeholders. So that a teacher can teach better, a student can study better, management can manage better, sportsperson can play better and because of which university can grow better.
It would be one of its own initiatives, which will reflect the beliefs of The NorthCap University, about the whole round development of not only students, not only faculties but each and every stakeholder of the University
- About Us
- Public self disclosure
- Our Schools
- Admissions
- School of Engineering
- Department of CSE
- B.Tech CSE with specialization in Full Stack Development
- B.Tech CSE with specialization in Cyber Security and Forensics
- B.Tech CSE with specialization in Cloud Computing
- B.Tech CSE with specialization in Data Science
- B. Tech CSE Semiconductor Technology
- B.Tech CSE IOT & 5g
- B.Tech CSE with specialization in Gaming, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality
- B.Tech CSE with specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- B.Tech CSE with specialization in Blockchain
- B.Tech CSE with specialization Quantum Computing in AI
- BCA with specialization in Mobile Applications
- BCA specialization in web application development
- M.Tech CSE with specialization in Data Science (Part Time)
- M.Tech CSE with specialization in Cyber Security and Forensics (Part Time)
- Ph.D.
- Department of MDE
- B.Tech (ECE) – Semiconductor Design & Technology
- M.Tech in Civil Engineering with specialization in Construction Engineering & Management
- M.Tech in Civil Engineering with specialization in Environmental Engineering
- M.Tech in Civil Engineering with specialization in Structural Engineering
- M.Tech in ECE with specialization in IoT & 5G
- M.Tech ME with specialization in Electric Vehicles
- M.Tech ME with specialization in Production and Industrial Engineering
- M.Tech ME with specialization in Thermal Engineering
- MTech in ECE with Specialization in Semiconductor Technology
- MTech ME with specialization in Mechanical Engineering Design
- Ph.D.
- Department of CSE
- School of Management and Liberal Studies
- Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) with specialization in Entrepreneurship and Family Business
- Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
- Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) with specialization in Digital Marketing
- Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) with specialization in Business Analytics
- Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com) with specialization in Financial Market
- Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com) (Hons.)
- Bachelor of Arts (BA) (Hons.) – Economics
- Bachelor of Arts (BA) (Hons.) Psychology
- Bachelor Of Arts (BA) (Hons.) in English
- Master of Business Administration (MBA)
- M.A. English
- M.A. Psychology
- Ph.D.
- School of Business
- School of Law
- Department of Applied Sciences
- Eligibility criteria
- Scholarships
- Fee Structure
- SOP for Migration to NCU
- School of Engineering
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